Hey there lovelies!! I hope you have all taken the time to relax and refresh on this beautiful Saturday!!
Saturdays in my house are always full of laundry and cleaning and other house work!! I actually don't mind laundry, out of all tasks, but that's mostly because I love the smell of fresh clothes!! And I also like getting it done! Haha!!
Today I had been talking to my dad about Stephen King books that got turned into movies, and I was explaining to him that Shawshank Redemption is actually from a book of four short stories! We both agreed that it was by far his best short story, and the best novel turned into movie that we had seen yet! We literally went on for about an hour, and then decide to turn on the TV to see what was on. We turn it on, go down two channels and what is just starting?? SHAWSHANK BABY!!! so I got to watch one of my favourite movies while folding laundry haha!!
I really enjoy coincidences, they somehow make me feel renewed that I'm on the right path!!
Another coincidence of the day was street hockey!! We were talking about how we never see anyone playing anymore, and how sad that is!! He said it would be awesome to have a community league for fun that could get teenagers out doing more! We talked about how it would be awesome, and then turned on my sisters street to pick her up for dinner and BAM!! There was a group of kids playing road hockey!!!
We also talked about winning the lottery, but I feel like that's too vain to come true hahah!! But hey! A dream is a dream! Haha!!
What is the weirdest it best coincidence that has happened to you recently??