Hello there darlings!! ❤️
I hope you all have had a wonderful Friday!! I know I did!!
Today I had the privilege of shooting with the very talented @the_evil_eye !! I had an absolute blast!! Such a lovely gentleman and talented photographer!! And also sometimes an acrobat when the space calls for climbing!! (Thank you again so much for everything!!)
I am even lucky enough to have a little BTS spoiler just for you ❤️
I also realized that I am absolutely the worst with directions!! My friend who drove and helped me today isn't very familiar with the area, and I get lost in malls. I tried to prepare, I even added enough time into the schedule for traffic and naviagational errors. That only works if you don't make multiple errors! Haha! Long story short, I talk too much to navigate!! But I am good conversation, So I think it's fair? Maybe? I am still just so thrilled with how the day went, even if we took a few wrong turns! Can't wait to share more!!
Take care for now Lovelies!!! Xx