Hey everyone!! I hope you all have had a wonderful day!!
This is my first real blog post! I found this idea to get my blogs started in one of the groups ive joined and it was so helpful! I hope you guys enjoy it!! I promise I’ll get better :)
Ten Random Facts About Me!!
1. My favourite author is Stephen King!! My goal is to own and read all of his books! My top three novels, outside of the entire Dark Tower Series, are: Rose Madder, The Eyes of the Dragon, and Dr. Sleep!
2. I have never left my country! Although I would love to travel outside of Canada, I feel like there are so many beautiful places in my backyard that I should explore first! i would love to go on a road trip across the country one day!!
3. My favourite colour is yellow! When I was younger I always insisted on painting my bedroom the brightest shades of yellow!
4. I like pretty much any type of music. My playlists range from Queens of the Stone Age to Carole King, and everything in-between!
5. My favourite midnight snack is cereal! I really don’t care which kind either, haha!
6. My favourite movie is the Big Lebowski! I could honestly watch this movie every day and still laugh. If I had to pick a favourite part, it would honestly take me about an hour or more of contemplation!
7. I need to sleep with a big blanket all year long. In my house we call them comforters but what I’m talking about resembles a duvet for anyone who doesn’t get that reference! It could be the hottest day of the year, but I still need to be snuggled up!
8. Crows are my all-time favourite animal! I think they are just so interesting and smart!!
9. I love lasagna. I go crazy whenever I make it, and usually end up making enough for three days!
10. I have five tattoos and six piercings! Im really hoping to get some new tattoos very soon, though!!!
This has to be the most I’ve ever sat down and written about myself! For anyone still reading, I hope you enjoyed my first “hopeful homework” post!! I promise they will get better !!
Have a lovely night everyone!!]