I'm an emotional Volcanoe.
I haven't been on SG for a quite some time due to my life. And as Stone Temple Pilots would say " Burn your wicked garden to ground".
So now i'm back hopefully by writing this and reading other peoples blogs I will perform step 1.
Which, for those of you that don't know me, is "PULL HEAD YOUR HEAD OUT OF YOUR ASS"
I'm an emotional Volcanoe.
I haven't been on SG for a quite some time due to my life. And as Stone Temple Pilots would say " Burn your wicked garden to ground".
So now i'm back hopefully by writing this and reading other peoples blogs I will perform step 1.
Which, for those of you that don't know me, is "PULL HEAD YOUR HEAD OUT OF YOUR ASS"
We've missed you!

Stick around man! How you doing?