Gotten over the insomnia and the rest of teh funk that I was in. The past week has been absolutely great! My mom came into town to spend some time.So we spent our time eating ethnic food and drinking coffee. She tried to take the little Shitzu my ex gave my daoughterand is letting me train
Ahh well this is one month i've had the little guy and for a dustbroom he has really grown on me. So more than likely Echo and I will keep him around. Right now he is carrying around the food dishes in an attempt to get a snack. I'm such a hard ass .Littel does he know he's only going to get a treat aFter his bath!
Outside of that just been going through my albums and rediscovered REM.
Ahh yes Swan Swan H...

Ahh well this is one month i've had the little guy and for a dustbroom he has really grown on me. So more than likely Echo and I will keep him around. Right now he is carrying around the food dishes in an attempt to get a snack. I'm such a hard ass .Littel does he know he's only going to get a treat aFter his bath!
Outside of that just been going through my albums and rediscovered REM.
Ahh yes Swan Swan H...