Aaaah I have no clue what to do about one of my jobs. I love both my jobs, just one my boss is a total douche box. He scheduals me on days he knows im at school or other jobs. Keeps saying he wants to date my mom so he can be my mom and my dad >.< and is generally being a total ass. Only the empolyees who smoke get their ten minute breaks, so considering i don't smoke, I never get my ten. He gives himself over time hours all the time then complains about how much he is over worked... not our fault he steals all the hours. I'm just super tired of him, but i feel bad quitting. My mom really dislikes that he said some unsavory things about her... and frankly... That's my mom, jokes are off limits. Half of me is like quit right this second, don't even go in today!!! and the other half just doesn't believe that I will cause im a big baby >.<
Hand in your resignation and tell HIS boss that your supervisor is violating labor laws. Also, the fact that he "wants" to be your father tells me clearly he wants sex with you and your Mom. Get Out Now.
(^^+1 to the above from bluH2Oboy) That is sexual harrassment, by it's very definition. And highly suggestive of other serious problems he has. Don't go in to work, call the next highest authority that you think will take this seriously, and tell that person that you do not feel safe to work there, and why. Unfortunately, you should probably officially quit right after that; you shouldn't have to, but would be safer. You're seeing the warning signs--don't ignore them. Speak confidently, do not be placated, continue up the chain until someone hears you. It will help the next girls that work after you. I'm sorry that you're going through this.