I cant even begin to explain how much i dislike people at the moment.... Last night sucked ass. i got locked out of my own house... Because i got roped into being someone else's DD. The someones included the guy i have been seeing unoffically, who on saturday told me he loved me... but still isnt ready for a girlfriend. So i sat around with them for a while while the not- boyfriend tried to be affectionate and what not even though i didnt really want him to be... Until i found a place to crash for the night. So i went to leave and of course not-boyfriend follows me asking me to tell him whats wrong blah blah blah. So we have a talk outside my car about how im very convinced that if i stick around and wait for him to be "Ready" I'm going to get fucked over. he of course insists this isnt the case, he just needs time. Despite the fact that he dropped the i love you and NOT me. Had this not come into play our unoffical status wouldnt bother me at all. So in the midst of this talk a jeep drives by us twice and on the third time someone throws a cup full of some disgusting liquor all over me and calls me a whore... at this point im too mad and upset to stay there anymore so i get in my car and go... but im in the middle of butt fucked nowhere and none of the people i brought are there to tell me how to get home... and my gps wont work.... and my cell phone had no reception apparently. Eventually i found my way to my friends house... very sticky wet and angry... My brand new sweatshirt isnt all cloudy and soft like it was which is kind of the biggest bummer... But really my question is what kind of fucking ass hole drives around in the middle of the night looking for chicks to throw their disgusting drinks all over... I would like to punch them right in the face
thats pretty shitty. were in the frat areas? i would imagine that happens quite often near SDSU.
boys are stupid
feel better babe xo