Roight! First fings first.
1. Gotta stop wearing me vagina on me sleeve.
2. Fuck the fucking tears, from now on resort to tyre slashing and ball booting.
3. As much as work pushes me to the brink of suicide, don't do it. We all know things will eventually get better. Plus it's fucking emo. Continue strategically placing discarded household items under the wheels of the bulldozer. They go squish, pop and bang. Tis fun, Tis beautiful.
4. Don't whine or sob, just do a half arsed job.
5. Stop buying utterly useless shit, with the exception of delicious baked goods, I still maintain they are necessary. But back to my original point, ease up on the purchasing of op shop clothes I know I will never wear but convince myself I require to expand the colours in my wardrobe, and just stop going to malls altogether, you know no good comes of it.
6. Make a new set....????
7. Stop over analysing and obsessively over thinking every fucking situation.
8. Yes, make a new set.
9. Be in the U.S by July. I can do it, I has the power. NY. LA. Rancid. Warped Tour. Coney Island. Insectavora. Friends. Photos. Memories. Tattoos. Muscle cars. Bands. Shows. Dreams coming true. Much more but I'm too lazy to list.
10. When contemplating point 3 and 5, remember point 9.
11. Fuck the economy, get tattooed with free government money. Cheers Mr Rudd.
12. When contemplating point 11, remember point 9 and for fuck sakes whatever you do don't start with the point 7 shit again.
13. Make it all happen for once. Its all good and well to sit on your arse on the computer and type amusing little lists but you know how bad you want it all and it is possible. It is possible! Work. Save as much cash as you can. Don't fill the void in your life with meaningless shit to keep entertained until you get what your really working towards, you know it only gets you further away from the goal.
14. Make something delicious to eat. Then dip it in your cup of tea.
Love ValGal
1. Gotta stop wearing me vagina on me sleeve.
2. Fuck the fucking tears, from now on resort to tyre slashing and ball booting.
3. As much as work pushes me to the brink of suicide, don't do it. We all know things will eventually get better. Plus it's fucking emo. Continue strategically placing discarded household items under the wheels of the bulldozer. They go squish, pop and bang. Tis fun, Tis beautiful.
4. Don't whine or sob, just do a half arsed job.
5. Stop buying utterly useless shit, with the exception of delicious baked goods, I still maintain they are necessary. But back to my original point, ease up on the purchasing of op shop clothes I know I will never wear but convince myself I require to expand the colours in my wardrobe, and just stop going to malls altogether, you know no good comes of it.
6. Make a new set....????
7. Stop over analysing and obsessively over thinking every fucking situation.
8. Yes, make a new set.
9. Be in the U.S by July. I can do it, I has the power. NY. LA. Rancid. Warped Tour. Coney Island. Insectavora. Friends. Photos. Memories. Tattoos. Muscle cars. Bands. Shows. Dreams coming true. Much more but I'm too lazy to list.
10. When contemplating point 3 and 5, remember point 9.
11. Fuck the economy, get tattooed with free government money. Cheers Mr Rudd.
12. When contemplating point 11, remember point 9 and for fuck sakes whatever you do don't start with the point 7 shit again.
13. Make it all happen for once. Its all good and well to sit on your arse on the computer and type amusing little lists but you know how bad you want it all and it is possible. It is possible! Work. Save as much cash as you can. Don't fill the void in your life with meaningless shit to keep entertained until you get what your really working towards, you know it only gets you further away from the goal.
14. Make something delicious to eat. Then dip it in your cup of tea.
Love ValGal
WELL SAID , FIONA! SEE you in July!!!!!!!!! this coment is short and sweet, and I mean every word of it! Well you know I'm Indestructable!
It sounds like petty theft is the solution to all your woes! Also, when you make delicious things, make extra, give them to friends in hopes THEY might feel obligated to lend to your cash fund. FInd someone smaller than you and bully them. If you feel bad, tell thim it was either you or them.