Finally I got laid!!! Its funny I was even beginning to plan a depressing blog, that most likely would've been fueled by Jack Daniels, describing the long and frustrating YEAR it has been. As good as it was it's already beginning to feel like a bit of a mistake. I really didn't want to just sleep with some random guy who meant nothing to me, because essentially I want a little more than that, but the horny as fuck part of me just figured fuck it!! But now the irony being even though I quite like this dude I'm not interested in anything serious with him and I'm getting the feeling he wants a relationship. Oooooohhhhhh shit. I already told him how I felt and he seemed to be cool with what I want but that hasn't stopped him from sending me 20 texts a day. What can I say, I'm fucking lovable!
I seem to be getting a decent amount of work at the garbage dump, fuck that sounds seedy, and I figured out if I continue to get lots of work I could be in the U.S by the middle of the year!!! Exciting!
Apart from that I'm refusing to leave the house until the weather stops being ridiculous, at the moment Australia is apparently the hottest place on Earth (could've pulled that outta my ass), reaching temperatures of 49 degrees, I dunno what that is in farenheit, or if you even use farenheit, or if thats how you spell farenheit, but lets just say its super fucking hot here!!! In fact its even too hot to type and its making eating this ice cream very difficult.
I seem to be getting a decent amount of work at the garbage dump, fuck that sounds seedy, and I figured out if I continue to get lots of work I could be in the U.S by the middle of the year!!! Exciting!
Apart from that I'm refusing to leave the house until the weather stops being ridiculous, at the moment Australia is apparently the hottest place on Earth (could've pulled that outta my ass), reaching temperatures of 49 degrees, I dunno what that is in farenheit, or if you even use farenheit, or if thats how you spell farenheit, but lets just say its super fucking hot here!!! In fact its even too hot to type and its making eating this ice cream very difficult.

sex sex ahahahaha
that always good
U have very pretty eyes hunny
you're coming to the U.S.?