Well then. I have just recently begun a super shit job.... just imagine standing in one spot all day packing empty bottles into boxes.... are you imagining it?? Now I imagine that you are now imagining offing yourself at this thought, now imagine me imagining that every single day!! On the upside I don't have to wear a ridiculously butch and demeaning uniform, but I do have to wear a hair net..... for once I would like a job that doesn't involve wearing a hair net!! And also I can get piercings which rocks!! I don't think I'm gonna stay there for long, I reckon just a couple of months at the most to save some money so I can quit, well ideally I would have found another job by then but with this recession shit going on I wouldn't count on it. I know I'm never a particularly upbeat kinda gal (it's not fucking cynicism it's realism I tell ya) but the whole job hunting thing just really fucking angers me and starts me getting pissed off about the whole fucked up way of the world working. I mean it's fucking shit enough that were forced to waste half of our lives working, and for the most part just to provide ourselves with basic necessity, but the fact that it's impossible to get ahead in this world no matter how much effort it feels like you put in. I mean I completed school, like a good girl, I didn't go to college or anything but its not unusual over here, but all I've ever fucking heard since I began work is that I don't have enough experience. Not only is it annoying because clearly I will never gain any experience if I'm not given the chance but mostly it shits me that the majority of these jobs I apply for would take me a whopping day, maybe 2 days tops, to figure out what was going on. I really have attempted to get into almost every kind of industry at some stage and after a few years of rejection I just now feel hopeless and doomed to a long life of working in fucking factories because they're the only places that will hire me.
Aaaah, glad to have that off my chest! I guess it just gets extra frustrating because I've never known what I wanted to do for a "career" so it just makes it all the more harder when no one will give you a chance. I've applied for an animal care course, which I'm hoping I should be able to get into, and once I've completed that it should give me a few more job options, ones that'll involve getting to pat puppies all day, that'll rule!
Oh it's not all bad, I'm mainly just being a whinger! At least I'm getting a bit of work to keep me going, and today I realised ipod's make mundane work about 75% better! But its just the usual, no workies means no monies means no travels makes sad ValGal.
But it turns out being pissed off is the inspiration I needed to write some new songs, which I haven't done for a while. Lately I've felt my artistic talents have gone to shit, can't seem to find the right words or draw as freely as I once could.
Anyway I complain about having no money then I pull out this!
Excuse the shine! Well I already started it so I had to get it finished off right!
The year is off to a good gig start! I saw Peter and the Test Tube Babies which was awesome! Dropkick Murphys are here again but since I've already seen them twice I decided to save my money and skip it this year. Amanda Palmer is due back next month which is exciting and best of all Bouncing Souls are doing a 20th anniversary world tour, they haven't yet posted dates for here but I think they will, they fucking better!
Hopefully there are more good things to come. I spose I should get my shit together and do another set. I have some ideas that I really wanna do but I just haven't been into this site much lately, if you lovely boys and girls weren't here I probably wouldn't bother.
Take care all
Love Val
Aaaah, glad to have that off my chest! I guess it just gets extra frustrating because I've never known what I wanted to do for a "career" so it just makes it all the more harder when no one will give you a chance. I've applied for an animal care course, which I'm hoping I should be able to get into, and once I've completed that it should give me a few more job options, ones that'll involve getting to pat puppies all day, that'll rule!
Oh it's not all bad, I'm mainly just being a whinger! At least I'm getting a bit of work to keep me going, and today I realised ipod's make mundane work about 75% better! But its just the usual, no workies means no monies means no travels makes sad ValGal.
But it turns out being pissed off is the inspiration I needed to write some new songs, which I haven't done for a while. Lately I've felt my artistic talents have gone to shit, can't seem to find the right words or draw as freely as I once could.
Anyway I complain about having no money then I pull out this!

Excuse the shine! Well I already started it so I had to get it finished off right!
The year is off to a good gig start! I saw Peter and the Test Tube Babies which was awesome! Dropkick Murphys are here again but since I've already seen them twice I decided to save my money and skip it this year. Amanda Palmer is due back next month which is exciting and best of all Bouncing Souls are doing a 20th anniversary world tour, they haven't yet posted dates for here but I think they will, they fucking better!
Hopefully there are more good things to come. I spose I should get my shit together and do another set. I have some ideas that I really wanna do but I just haven't been into this site much lately, if you lovely boys and girls weren't here I probably wouldn't bother.
Take care all
Love Val

As far as yr shitty job goes, keepp yr chin up honey, ive had a million shitty jobs in the past an they can really suck, but im sure one day yl find what you were put on this earth to do. This recession is bad news. I cant believe this kind of thing could happen in this day and age. What a fuck up!! Im also the same as u on the cynicism/realism thing. I am a total total realist and the realism is....this sucks!!! haha. At least yr in a beautiful country, im in a grey ass, boring one thats fast going down the toilet.
Arent we a happy pair?, haha. xoxox