So maybe it's time I elaborated?? I've put it off as long as I could because I do hate wanking on about myself, that may be hard to believe coming from someone who posts naked pictures of herself on the internet, but its true, I swear!
Since tomorrow is NYE maybe its fitting to review the year I had, although I must admit I'm a little afraid because I haven't, as usual, done most of the things I wished to have done by now.
Well this year was the first in 7 years that I was single and overall I quite enjoyed it. There were times of loneliness, and there were times of horniness....fuck me there were times of horniness haha! Its funny how much I took sex for granted whilst I was in a relationship, I can even recall a time where I was turning down sexual offers! If I knew I was going to have such a dry patch I would've rethought that! But as much as it sometimes sux being alone, most of the time I'm quite content with it. It was certainly a refreshing change, one I definitely needed. I had a few bouts of rejection which knocked my confidence around a little, but I think this year I felt more like myself than I have in a long time.
I moved out of the folks home! Thats was a major, and overdue, accomplishment for me! Although its kind of a wrought spending half of your weekly earnings on basic living necessity it is well worth it just for the independence and freedom I now have, and just getting to live with my friends and feeling comfortable in my surroundings is something I surely don't take for granted. I never really had that with my parents, we didn't have the best relationship and living with them was like constantly tip toeing around and biting my tongue, not much fun and not a very homely feeling. Its also benefitted my relationship with my Mum, its weird but I guess we need that distance to be closer.
I think since I've been on here I've talked about my eagerness to travel, probably so much your all sick of me whining about it! Well I didn't have the best year of work, but I'm half way to America baby! Yeehaw! Now the bad news is I don't have a job to return to after Christmas, so I may have to spend some of that savings. I mentioned this concern a little while ago and yep the factory I worked at went down! But I have a few leads of new jobs, all as equally shit as the one I had before but as long as I can make some decent cash, enough to be able to get the hell outta here by the end of next year I'll be super happy!
There was lots of awesome shows to go to, probably my most favourite thing to do is to get out to punk gigs. Dropkick Murphys fucking rocked! I got up on case you forgot, but I'm pretty sure I didn't let anyone forget that! Amanda Palmer is so amazing, I had the great pleasure of seeing her perform live and will again next year too, yay! Was there more? I can't remember. Almost every weekend though I've been seeing some of the rad local talent too, even some in my hometown, which is so ridiculously small its hard to believe that anything decent could spawn from here. A wicked ska club has given us some monthly entertainment, and I even made a few new friends, which for me is something I feel quite incapable of.
I'm sure I've done more than least I hope I have, but I do have a head like a sieve and although I seem to be able vividly recall embarrassing incidents from my childhood I can't remember interesting and exciting things that have happened recently!
So all in all I can't complain, it wasn't the best year, but hey I'm still here and thats always something to be thankful for. I hope you all had an equally reasonably decent year if not better and if it was shit then I sincerely wish you (and me) have a better one in 09.
ValGal xoxo

Since tomorrow is NYE maybe its fitting to review the year I had, although I must admit I'm a little afraid because I haven't, as usual, done most of the things I wished to have done by now.
Well this year was the first in 7 years that I was single and overall I quite enjoyed it. There were times of loneliness, and there were times of horniness....fuck me there were times of horniness haha! Its funny how much I took sex for granted whilst I was in a relationship, I can even recall a time where I was turning down sexual offers! If I knew I was going to have such a dry patch I would've rethought that! But as much as it sometimes sux being alone, most of the time I'm quite content with it. It was certainly a refreshing change, one I definitely needed. I had a few bouts of rejection which knocked my confidence around a little, but I think this year I felt more like myself than I have in a long time.
I moved out of the folks home! Thats was a major, and overdue, accomplishment for me! Although its kind of a wrought spending half of your weekly earnings on basic living necessity it is well worth it just for the independence and freedom I now have, and just getting to live with my friends and feeling comfortable in my surroundings is something I surely don't take for granted. I never really had that with my parents, we didn't have the best relationship and living with them was like constantly tip toeing around and biting my tongue, not much fun and not a very homely feeling. Its also benefitted my relationship with my Mum, its weird but I guess we need that distance to be closer.
I think since I've been on here I've talked about my eagerness to travel, probably so much your all sick of me whining about it! Well I didn't have the best year of work, but I'm half way to America baby! Yeehaw! Now the bad news is I don't have a job to return to after Christmas, so I may have to spend some of that savings. I mentioned this concern a little while ago and yep the factory I worked at went down! But I have a few leads of new jobs, all as equally shit as the one I had before but as long as I can make some decent cash, enough to be able to get the hell outta here by the end of next year I'll be super happy!
There was lots of awesome shows to go to, probably my most favourite thing to do is to get out to punk gigs. Dropkick Murphys fucking rocked! I got up on case you forgot, but I'm pretty sure I didn't let anyone forget that! Amanda Palmer is so amazing, I had the great pleasure of seeing her perform live and will again next year too, yay! Was there more? I can't remember. Almost every weekend though I've been seeing some of the rad local talent too, even some in my hometown, which is so ridiculously small its hard to believe that anything decent could spawn from here. A wicked ska club has given us some monthly entertainment, and I even made a few new friends, which for me is something I feel quite incapable of.
I'm sure I've done more than least I hope I have, but I do have a head like a sieve and although I seem to be able vividly recall embarrassing incidents from my childhood I can't remember interesting and exciting things that have happened recently!
So all in all I can't complain, it wasn't the best year, but hey I'm still here and thats always something to be thankful for. I hope you all had an equally reasonably decent year if not better and if it was shit then I sincerely wish you (and me) have a better one in 09.
ValGal xoxo

Thanks so much for the love on my Censorship set!
Thanks for the nice comment on my set.