Well things are lookin' up compared to last blog! Got asked out on a date last night tehehehe
...come to think of it thats the first time ive ever been asked out on a date, it was all very cute but im not exactly sure how interested i am yet, anyway I gave him my number so I guess I'll just see what happens.
I think I already told most of you individually that we finally moved outta the scummy mould infested house, yay! The new house is soooo purdy, I was gonna take pics today and put em up but I couldn't be arsed. Summer is coming all too early for my liking! Spring has only just begun and I'm sweating it out already!
Urm, I'm applying for an animal care course, so if i get into that and complete it I will be able to work in animal shelters or a zoo...how fucking rad would that be! I'm really fucking get sick of my indecisiveness and lack of direction so my new thing is to just figure fuck it! Its better to give this shit a go and possibly fail instead of sitting around doing fuck all forever.
And what else....I'm getting a new tattoo soon, yay. Taken in the design, a traditional style coffin, wings roses and other shit. Thinking bout getting this thing on my chest but fuckin geezus its gonna hurt like a bitch! But yes I'm still yet to book it in, have to wait and see what he draws up first.
So thats about it kids, I'm doing well as can be expected, hope you all are too.
And finally in most recent news:

aaah good times
Much Love, ValGal

I think I already told most of you individually that we finally moved outta the scummy mould infested house, yay! The new house is soooo purdy, I was gonna take pics today and put em up but I couldn't be arsed. Summer is coming all too early for my liking! Spring has only just begun and I'm sweating it out already!
Urm, I'm applying for an animal care course, so if i get into that and complete it I will be able to work in animal shelters or a zoo...how fucking rad would that be! I'm really fucking get sick of my indecisiveness and lack of direction so my new thing is to just figure fuck it! Its better to give this shit a go and possibly fail instead of sitting around doing fuck all forever.
And what else....I'm getting a new tattoo soon, yay. Taken in the design, a traditional style coffin, wings roses and other shit. Thinking bout getting this thing on my chest but fuckin geezus its gonna hurt like a bitch! But yes I'm still yet to book it in, have to wait and see what he draws up first.
So thats about it kids, I'm doing well as can be expected, hope you all are too.
And finally in most recent news:

aaah good times
Much Love, ValGal

sweet ride

How hot are we! oh yeah thats how yay mum likes me