My new boyfriend asked me to go steady a couple of weeks ago. Yes, in those words. He's so great. Although he has a profile up here, he never checks it. I try to show his pic to friends but it's not very helpful. I should take pictures and put them up.
Reasons this one's better than the others:
1. knows his boundaries
2. educated and interested in what i do.
3. has a rad dog who helluve like me.
4. follows through on shit. we talk about "wouldn't it be fun to do that?" then he goes and signs us up.
5. totally understands the concept of alone time.
6. Most importantly, he doesn't play games or do drama. He's a do it or don't kind of guy. drama sucks.
I'm totally in love already.

ON ANOTHER NOTE, my finances are in a little trouble. Not because of anything I've done, mind you.
My roomie's boyfriend moved out almost 2 months ago. For all intensive purposes, she went to, leaving her things behind. Unfortunately, she stopped coming back - TO PAY THE BILLS AND RENT.

The bitch claims some check went through twice and that's the root of the problems. Meanwhile I've gotten $180 TOTAL since the beginning of June. She's even MOVED HER BED OUT!!! Her BF is in a fucking sublet - it has a bed for Christ's sake!
My favorite is when she told me she doesn't know if they should move in together because she "doesn't know if we're going to even stay together".

What the fuck kind of bullshit is that? Since I'm the landlord, I gave her a 3 day notice to rent-or-quit and am now in the process of evicting her. Tomorrow I'll be bagging her shit up (only clothes really) and moving it to my storage unit. The next step is changing the locks.
The only consolation I have is that her baby's ashes are still on her bedside table. That's right, she had a baby (it died within minutes of being born, which they knew) and keeps (or kept) the ashes by her bed. I figure if nothing else, she's bound to come looking for that.

I'm playing hardball now.
Welcome to the fucking majors.

And I hope you get the rent money!
and happy birthday