It's been far too long since I've done a proper blog (the last one was way back in March!!) and with my 4th set coming out in a week I thought it was time to finally get back in the swing of things on the site and give you guys an update.
My set coming out next week 'Blue Eyed Brunch' is shot by the incredible @frankndame. I'm so proud of this set and every time I look at it I just can't believe it's me. I really hope you all love it as much as I do and I can't wait to get your feedback. Here's my a sneak peek for you before it comes out.
I've got another set in the queue 'Midday in the Garden of Good and Evil' shot by the talented @corwinprescott that will be coming out in 3 months. There is so much booty in this set and I love the look and feel of it so much. I had such a great time shooting with Corwin, we had a lot of laughs while shooting about the creepy mural that you can vaguely see in the set. Here's a preview of this one for you too.
In about 8 weeks I'm going to be shooting my 6th set with @coolicio which I'm so excited about. I absolutely love this babes work and it will be great to work with her again, hopefully this time I won't be a complete nervous wreck! There's a bit of a cosplay/theme to this one that I'm really hoping we can pull off so keep your eyes peeled for that one in the future.
The last time I did a blog post I was just gearing up for my trip to the US. I've been home for over 3 months now which is INSANE! I can't believe how fast this year has flown by. My trip was incredible and exactly what I needed but now all I want to do is be back there instead of being home and back to reality.
The highlight of my trip was finally meeting my man in person and getting to spend so much time with him. Unfortunately he wasn't able to travel around with me too much but he did join me in a couple of places which was great! I don't know what I did to deserve to have such an incredible human in my life but I'm so happy that he is. Last week it was 1 year since we began talking/met and it's been the best year of my life. Here's a photo from when we were in Vegas and we went to the Neon Museum, it was soooo freaking hot outside but it was such a cool place. I'm so glad we got to go there and check out a little Vegas history.
Everyone keeps asking me about my favourite places on my trip and I think my favourite cities were Austin, New York and Seattle. All three cities had a great vibe and were totally individual and quirky in their own way. I definitely could see myself living in any one of those cities and I think it really helped me imagine a life there with my man a lot more. That's not to say all the other places I visited weren't interesting and great but I felt a connection to these cities that I didn't in the others.
I got the flu pretty bad when I was over there and ended up in my accommodation and missing most of New Orleans and Philadelphia which I was bummed about but it just means I'll have to go back to those cities at some point. I also missed Vancouver due to an flight booking accident, where I stuffed up the date of my flight and it was going to cost me way too much to change it so I went back to see my for a few days instead.
Here's some photos - please feel free to ask me about any of them, they're in no particular order because I can't seem to make that work.
I was lucky enough to get to meet @eminence on my trip. She's an absolute doll and so incredibly beautiful. We went and ate tacos and did some shopping, I wish we could've hung out more when I was there.
I got to go to the SGAU ball when I got back, it was so great to meet so many incredible babes. Unfortunately I had a bit of anxiety attack before we left for the night but it was still fun. I wish I hadn't been so shy and nervous and could've enjoyed it more. I got to stay with all the babes @mischief @aquata @msreckless and @chibipanduh which made the whole thing so much better. I wish I'd taken more pictures.
I figure while I'm hear I should also do a bit of blog homework that I've missed for you all, @missy and @rambo
If money was no object, what would you do all day?
If money was no object, I would travel as much as possible. Seeing all the incredible places around the world. In my downtime I would bake and create all day. I used to love painting and I really want to get back into photography (not that I did much of it in the past) so I would love to spend my days doing those things.
How do you relieve stress?
I tend to hold onto to stress for far too long and sometimes it consumes me until I breakdown, this is a result of work in a place where I was discouraged from ever showing any stress so I just suppressed it until I couldn't take it anymore. I've learnt to deal with it a lot better in the last year or so, music is definitely a massive part of my stress relief. Another thing is binge watching TV, it gives me an opportunity to turn my reality brain off and just immerse myself in something else. Baking is another stress relief for me, I can shift my focus to something else and the amount of accuracy you need to bake definitely makes it easy to do that.
If you had a warning label, what would it say?
'Parental Advisory - Explicit Lyrics'
'Warning - Burn Hazard, Hot Surface Inside, Allow to cool before servicing'
Describe yourself using 3 fictional characters
Louise Belcher
Daria Morgendorffer
April Ludgate
Time for me to head to bed now. I hope you all have a good Sunday/Monday (depending on where you are in the world).
Keep an eye out for my new set next week and hopefully I'll be more active again for a while.
Peace, Love and Polka Dots
Valentine xx