I don't like to be negative or angry but I've been feeling pretty average lately and I want to explain at least a little of it.
Before I left for my trip I had emailed about 5 or 6 photographers about shooting with them while I was here. Some were SG staff photographers and some weren't, most were in different cities along the way so I'd figured if I could make a couple work that would be fantastic.
I emailed most of them back in the middle of April and I still haven't heard anything back from most of them. About a month later I got an email from one of them saying they were interested and then I replied and heard nothing further. This morning (2 and a half months later) I heard back from another but it was too late I'd already been in that city.
Now I know people are busy and life can be crazy but seriously? It's almost 3 months later and this is the reaponse I get?
I know I'm not the typical model type, I know I'm not insta famous, I know I'm not an SG and probably never likely to be but I'm a Hopeful that is trying hard to feel positive about myself. I already feel like I don't really belong here being a plus sized girl, being a bigger girl than the majority but this has just made me feel like I really shouldn't be doing this and the work I've been doing is a waste of time because I'll never be good enough.
I've had great experiences with our Aussie togs, they are always super supportive but this has really made me upset and question whether I should continue doing this at all.
Sorry, rant over, I just needed to get this off my chest