Hey Guys,
I hope everyone has had a great holiday season and got spoiled with lots of nice things. My Christmas was pretty chilled out except for the massive argument that me and my parents had on Christmas morning, it was okay by the end of the day but it wasn't great at the time. Sometimes the holidays can bring out the worst in people and can be pretty stressful.
My work is closed between Christmas and new year so it's been nice to have the week off just to relax and get over the craziness of the last month or so.
Here's some pictures I've taken while I've been off work:
Since it's New Years Eve here tonight it's time for me to do this weeks blog homework from @missy @rambo and @lyxzen is What are your New Year's resolutions?
I've never really been one to make resolutions, I feel like they are usually empty words because I never really put them into action. The last few years I've thought of them more as goals for the year, not things I have to put into place right away but things that I can do progressively and try to achieve when I can.
This year has been a huge turning point for me, I have made a lot of changes to push myself to be better but I'm still not there yet, I still have a fair way to go. I feel like most of my goals for 2016 I've already started to put them in motion but I just need to keep myself on the right path.
My goals for 2016:
- Travel More (3 month trip booked to the US, need to plan this more and be more organised. Need to book my trip to Japan).
- Shoot more SG sets (3 sets booked to shoot at Sydney Shootfest, one with @captureofcthulhu, one with @victory and the last one with @frankndame. I'm so excited for these shoots, I just hope I can calm my nerves and get some amazing sets for you all to enjoy).
- Exercise more and eat better (continue PT sessions plus do work at home, plan meals better).
- Look after my mental health better (stop letting my insecurities, self hate and self doubt take over).
- Accept the love that others give me and stop doubting it (especially from my amazing boy).
- Spend more time with my friends and people that care about me and that I care about.
- Be more open to new experiences.
- Spend more time with the man I am so head over heels in love with. Build our life together and be there to support and encourage and love him.
I think that's a good set of goals for me, things that I can really work on and achieve in the next year and things that will make my life so much fuller and better.
NYE is always a bit of an over-hyped disaster so I try to not get swept up in the expectations of it all. I think I've been lucky that most of the last few years I've had a great night with friends and just enjoyed being in good company. Some of them have been massive nights that can barely be remembered and others have just been chilled with a few drinks. Tonight I'm heading to a friends place and it should just be a fairly chilled out night, which I'm really looking forward to it.
Here's a few photos from last year... much alcohol had been ad when these were taken hahaha:
I hope you all have a great night with friends and family.
Happy New Year all, bring on 2016 and all it has to offer!
Peace, Love and Polka Dots
Valentine xx