Hey Guys! Happy Sunday!
Hope you've all recovered from your thanksgiving food hangovers and if you're not in a part of the world that indulged heavily this week then I hope you've had a great week anyway.
My week has been a bit all over the place. I've still been unwell and had to go for a CT scan of my sinuses, which I'm hoping will lead to some answers on why it's been so bad for so long. I get my results tomorrow, so fingers crossed! I did get to indulge in a fantastic thanksgiving dinner with some great people and suffered an incredible food coma after but it wouldn't be thanksgiving dinner if I didn't. The good news from this week is that my first set 'Limoncello' has moved up in the queue some more and is now only 2 months and 2 weeks away! It's getting closer which is so exciting!
Today has been a pretty great day, I got to talk to my guy for most of the day which is always incredible and makes me super happy, I did about 75% of my Christmas shopping and I found something I'd been looking for for a while. I've still felt pretty average physically but I'm trying to focus on the positive things. My guy definitely helps with that massively, he is such a positive person and it's been so amazing having someone in my life that is supportive and encouraging and for some bizarre reason seems to like me for me which is a total first. It is killing me that he is 15,000km's away but I just have to get to May and it'll be okay.
Anyway, on to this weeks blog homework topic from @missy @rambo and @lyxzen which is Do you have a nickname? How did you get it?
I always feel like I miss out on a nickname but then I remember that everyone calls me by a nickname anyway. I introduce myself as Trish and use it as my main name on most things but that isn't my actual legal name. The only people that call me by my full name is my family and even that's pretty limited these days.
One of my best friends always calls me T-Pain or Trash, pretty easy to guess how I got those right?
A few other friends call me Trish the dish, because of Mallrats.
Me and one of my best friends call each other Nang, I'm not entirely sure how that happened but I vaguely remember it starting after one very drunken fucked up night.
The boy has lots of cute nicknames for me but I won't share those haha
I guess when the name everyone already knows you by is a nickname then it's less likely that they're going to shorten it further or refer to you as something else.
Anyway guys it's my bed time, hope you all have a great day! Below are some selfies for you to enjoy, I promise I'll try to post better this week.
Peace, Love and Polka Dots
Valentine xx