I’ve decided that I’m going to start writing my blog on Sundays for you all (Saturday for most of you). It’s usually my chill day so it’s a great time to write while I’m watching TV or a movie (just finished watch the newest episode of Survivor and now I’m watching The Simpsons).
I just wanted to say a huge thank you to you all for the love on my last blog; it really means a lot to me. You’re all so awesome and I appreciate you taking the time to read what I have to say.
I’m going to try and do a little blog homework and a little of my own stuff. If anyone has any questions that they want answered please feel free to shoot me a message and I’ll try to answer it in next week’s blog for you.
Today I had my second personal training session… my first one was yesterday so needless to say I am sore as fuck! Every single muscle in my body is aching and I’m ridiculously tired but I feel much better for doing it. I know it’s going to be a tough road and I know that 2 sessions in 2 days is a lot but with my hours during the week it’s not really feasible to have them further apart. I’m going to try and do some stuff at home during the week as well but considering how tired I’ve been we’ll see how that goes. My goal is to lose a little weight so I can feel better within myself as well as get fitter and healthier. I’ve never overly enjoyed exercise; I’ve mostly just avoided it, which is how I’ve gotten myself into this situation.
That brings me to the previous homework topics from @missy , @rambo and @lyxzen .
One of the ones I really liked was “If you could go back in time and change one thing from your past what would it be?”
I thought about this one for a while and I honestly think I would go back and encourage my young self to exercise, to find a sport or something that I enjoyed at a young age and stick with it. I feel like it’s the hardest bad habit to break as an adult and it is something I honestly have really really struggled with. There are probably plenty of other things that I could change but at the moment it’s the thing I’m most unhappy with.
Another one of the topics I liked was “Tell us about your first tattoo”
My first tattoo was the little redback spider on the back of my right calf. I got this tattoo when I was 17 in a town called Ulladulla, my high school friends and I had gone down there once we finished our final year of school (for the Aussies reading, this was our schoolies trip) and we decided that we would go get tattoos. There was 3 of us that got tattoos on the day and one friend got their nipple pierced (he cried like a little girl haha). I wasn't going to get mine because I didn't have enough money at the time but my friends chipped in so I could. The tattoo I chose off the wall was a redback spider with a web around it; I didn't like the web so I got them to get rid of it. At the time, I had these grand notions that I would never really live in Australia so I wanted it to always remind me of home, plus one of my absolute idols Brody Dalle has a similar tattoo in a similar spot. I've had this tattoo for 10 years now and even though it’s the crappiest one I have I still love it. Over the years it has held more and more meaning to mean as little references pop up from time to time. The one thing I do hate about this tattoo is the amount of drunken strangers that have slapped me in the back of the leg thinking it’s real… I've almost punched out a few of them haha.
Here's a terrible picture of it, it's the worst place to take a photo:
One more random homework topics before I go “Tips for taking the perfect selfie”
Now I’m not even going to pretend that my selfies are perfect but I’d like to think that they are at least okay.
I think my general rules are:
1. Make sure the lighting works – you have to make the light work for you, if you’re facing the wrong way then the photo will obviously look shit.
2. Know your angles – you have to work out which angles make your face look good and which ones make it look awkward.
3. Just take a million photos and find the one you like the most.
Like I said, I’m no expert but I try hard to get ones that I like and that I think other people would like to see.
Here's some selfies for you all:
IAnywhoo, that’s enough from me today. Remember if you have any questions just let me know and I will do my best to answer them.
Love you all.
Peace, Love and Polka Dots
Valentine xx
PS. If you've made it this far you should now go and reward yourself by going and checking out @sirenn newest set! Fuck man she is such a babe!!! The most gorgeous mermaid I have ever seen! She gives me all the heart eyes😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍. Plus it's shot by this amazing @coolicio so you know it's good.💗💗💗