It is too early in the morning right now.
I can't wait for thanksgiving break. I could use a couple days off of school right now. I am just feeling worn out by it. I think everybody is this time of year.
So my brother is kind of dating a 31 year old woman. He is 22. I say kind of because I'm not sure if they are doing anything other than fucking. I haven't met this woman yet, nor do I think she will be with him when the family gets together on the 25th. Just a hunch.
My new swords came in the mail yesterday. That puts my current collection at:
Last Samurai Long Katana
Last Samurai Short Katana
Highlander Katana
Conan the Barbarian broadsword
Scottish Claymore (like in Braveheart)
Lord of the Rings Nazgul King Sword
Roman Gladiator Short Sword
6 Different Fantasy-style Knives.
I know, I am a nerd.