Wow, I have really been slacking off on here lately. I think the election really knocked the wind out of me. I have had a hard time focusing on entering a journal because my thoughts have been so jumbled. I think I am pulling out of it though.
I am currently writing a paper that is contrasting the viewpoints of Louis Pojman and John Rawls. They both deal with the subject of equality and merit. Pojman's Justice As Desert is especially interesting. Of course I am a politics nut and this kind of stuff is right up my alley.
I am currently listening to the Last Samurai soundtrack by Hans Zimmer. It is very peaceful. I recommend it to everyone who is looking for some reflective music. It helps me concentrate.
Boy am I in a strange mood this evening.
Finally, sorry if I have not been commenting in many journals lately. I have been reading everyone's, I just have been really lazy. That will hopefully be changing.
Oh yeah, I almost forgot. Here are a couple new swords I just purchased. They should arrive any day now.
How's things, brother?