Hey all, nothing much going on for me right now. I have been reading history all night long for a mid term tomorrow afternoon. I am getting a little run down.
Not much to put in this journal. I have had a very uneventful week. It's payday tomorrow, so that is something to look forward too.
I was going to watch a little bit of the Cardinals game tonight, but my sat feed is messed up for FOX. It was like FOX was bleeding into VH1. Very weird to watch. It looks like the Cards are going to win. It has been since 1987 since they were in the World Series and 1982 since they won it. I have very high hopes right now.
I am going to include the following fromt he last journal. It will probably be in the next couple too. At least until I get sick of putting it in here:
Help me get a free Ipod, and one for you too.
I found this offer in another group here on SG and everything is legit they say. Check it out.