Blossom started a Home-care job this morning, which mean we are now getting up at 6:00 every morning. Why are we both getting up, you may ask. Well, two reasons for that. The first is that as soon as an alarm clock (or any other type of electric sound goes off) I snap wide awake. I have no idea why, my body just reacts that way. The second is that my wife is the exact opposite of me when it comes to getting up in the morning. She could sleep through almost anything if she doesn't have enough sleep. I have to play bad cop in the morning and force her out of bed. I don't mind, but she usually doesn't remember the curses she shouts at me while I'm doing it. Something about not being fully awake. Some day, I will record the audio and share.
There was a cook-out at my parents house last night. We had family in from out of town. It was an interesting evening. Dad, Uncle Troy, brother Adam, cousin Jessie and her husband were all shitfaced by 8:00. The all decided to go swimming (my parents have a pool) and were still do so (while drinking more) when we left at 10:00. It was odd.
There was a cook-out at my parents house last night. We had family in from out of town. It was an interesting evening. Dad, Uncle Troy, brother Adam, cousin Jessie and her husband were all shitfaced by 8:00. The all decided to go swimming (my parents have a pool) and were still do so (while drinking more) when we left at 10:00. It was odd.
it was while i was still in high school that i started getting into more modern things. at my friends' houses we would listen to music or watch mtv. i think i was 16 when i had an epiphany that my mom was not right about everything, and that i could have my own opinions. up until that point i had (thought that i ) agreed with her about most things and wanted to be like her. good thing i realized it at all, if a little late.
You are welcome for the links.