I have talked about Facebook on here before, but I just want to state again how addicting that site is. I don't even know why. I suppose it would be the fact that I can look up people I am in contact with every day or keep in touch with friends from KSU who I never get the chance to see anymore. I discovered a loophole in the signup process, which allowed me to create a second profile. I now have my profile, but also one for Invader Zim. If anyone who reads this is on Facebook, do a global search for Invader Zim, and I will one of the names that comes up. Just pay attention to which school it is. With very little effort, you could also find my true profile, as I use the same profile picture on both SG and Facebook.
Blossom is still sick. It has been over a week now, and it is still hitting her hard. I wish sometimes I could exchange immune systems with her so she weren't so prone to catching whatever bug was going around. I am usually a very healthy person.
I should be working on English reading right now. I have 4-6 different stories I need to get through tonight, I just can't seem to get the motivation to start. Beowulf just doen't have the same pull that surfing the internet does.
Blossom is still sick. It has been over a week now, and it is still hitting her hard. I wish sometimes I could exchange immune systems with her so she weren't so prone to catching whatever bug was going around. I am usually a very healthy person.
I should be working on English reading right now. I have 4-6 different stories I need to get through tonight, I just can't seem to get the motivation to start. Beowulf just doen't have the same pull that surfing the internet does.
i work at journeys. im kinda hard to miss...i have a pink fauxhawk!

Fuck Beowulf. I hate that piece of crap. Grendel's mother? Now there's a chick I could get into.