This fun little game has been circulating around the internet and I thought I’d do it here, too! Go to Google and type [your name + your favourite colour + aesthetic] into the search bar and the first four (non-collage) photos are what make up your aesthetic board!
Here’s mine:
@obsidian Here's mine. Don't quite know how the That 70s show one fits but I
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Maybe one day, till then I'm sorry I can't subscribe. But I will continue to tip on here when I can. You're all amazing and thank you for making me smile at all your posts.
With all this stuff going on, I'm glad I have my own bar in my basement. Don't have to go far to celebrate. I hope everyone else is healthy and happy as much as possible.
Anyone doing anything fun? My girlfriend and I are getting drunk in my basement bar tonight for it.
Happy Yule. Happy Solstice. Merry Christmas. Happy Hanukkah. Happy holidays in general everyone. I hope you all have a great and safe holiday.