The powers that be.
You know your sun glasses are in your purse. You dig for them. You pull out a few other items to make them easier to find. You swear they're in there.
But JUST INCASE you decide to go back into the house for one more quick look. No sunglasses.
You reach your hand back into your purse and wouldn't you know it. Your fucking sun glasses.
Happens every time.
Tell me a story that figures.
You know your sun glasses are in your purse. You dig for them. You pull out a few other items to make them easier to find. You swear they're in there.
But JUST INCASE you decide to go back into the house for one more quick look. No sunglasses.
You reach your hand back into your purse and wouldn't you know it. Your fucking sun glasses.

Happens every time.
Tell me a story that figures.
I am so glad you enjoyed the new Alexsandria Shoot. Check out my journal for behind the scenes.
I subscribe to a couple tech blogs for chicks. Awhile back, i saw a posting about a purse, that has some sort of tags that you can place on like, the three most important things in your purse... if you leave the general vicinity of your house without one of them, an alarm sounds, or lights go blinking, or some shit. Fuckin brilliant. Now if only I could find the posting..