It's snowing like mad here..suddenly people don't know how to drive. It never ceases to amaze me how an enitre city of drivers manage to dumb down all because of a few flakes. It's as though they had never seen winter before!
I feel sad for those born so close to Christmas. You poor late Sagitarious' and early Capricorns must get ripped off.
Thankfully I'm done all my Christmas shopping except for two people. Yea, winter drivers are bad about those beautiful Christmas shoppers!
I realize that my thoughts may not be of any interest or relivance to..well. anything really..
Let's wait until my set goes up...THEN we'll talk!

I feel sad for those born so close to Christmas. You poor late Sagitarious' and early Capricorns must get ripped off.
Thankfully I'm done all my Christmas shopping except for two people. Yea, winter drivers are bad about those beautiful Christmas shoppers!

I realize that my thoughts may not be of any interest or relivance to..well. anything really..
Let's wait until my set goes up...THEN we'll talk!

I can't wait to see that set

I am capricorn. Maybe that's why we are such assholes.