Hi, Sullen Actor. What *would* Bon do?

Today's to-do list includes:
1. data entry (the money-making and necessary item)
2. lunch with Steven (a Tuesday ritual)
3. caffeine with kaffeine at Kafein (for maximum surreality)
4. possibly venturing down to a skeevy bar that allegedly has open-mic nights every Tuesday, where kaff and I will shill our smutty mag and possible read our dirty poems...
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Ha! "Cunning Linguist" that's awesome!

Kafein? Never been there any good?

I've been playing around with using stencils on T-shirts. I hate cutting out the design. I'm not to skilled with the exacto knife. wink

[Edited on Jul 05, 2005 3:14PM]
great username!
Wow, that took less time than I thought it would. I just did my first assignment for this company, and it only took me an hour of cutting and pasting. I'm not sure whether they want the thing in alphabetical order (presumably yes, as that's sort of the point of a spreadsheet, no?), and it seemed to me that some of the email address domains...
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Josey Vogels requested people's best and worst sex stories ever. I probably should've sent her my best sex story to balance out the worst sex story that I sent, but ah well. The worst sex of my young life was with Sullen Actor, and the entire DCB troupe knows about it, so I felt it was already in the public domain and therefore entitled to...
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Congrats on the job. What kind of job is it?smile
Cool working at home rocks!smile

That sounds like the Dainty brand rice. That stuff is pretty good, especially the rice pilaf.

[Edited on Jul 03, 2005 10:59PM]
Wow. The show was way better than I thought it would be, and we made quite fistfull of money. I think the DCBs should definitely put on more shows this summer, and although I dunno if I will ever see any of that cash in my pocket (well, aside from paying for the props I bought), I like working with them. And now that I...
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Well, kids, tonight's the night. The Dancing Cock Brothers are on at 9pm at Club One, so if you haven't been personally invited yet, consider this your invitation. Be there with ten bucks and some drinking money and any friends you might have and pack the house!

I hope the show goes well. I will be the one taking your money at the door, so...
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I'm always wondering if there's no such thing as coincidence, if every time I hear a song on the radio that seems appropriate, the universe is trying to tell me something. For example, last night as Actor Boy drove me home we were listening to a radio station that normally plays no chick music whatsoever. Garbage came on with a song called 'Bad Boyfriend.' The...
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Lose him, he's clueless.

He needs to wake up and realize that you can get exactly what you want just by being honest. Honesty is a great filter. If someone doesn't like what you're looking for, they'll tell you! You don't waste their time and they don't waste yours. What a concept.

Sorry, I'm just still slightly mad because a guy just completely dicked around one of my best friends recently.

Hope things work out for you either way.

/random journal stalk

I remember everyone sucking at Booklover's Trivial Pursuit.....
I've been... in the West Island! {gasp!!}

Yes, I know, it's scary as hell. But there was a jackhammer outside this guy's window at 8am one morning last week, and he said, 'Maybe we can spend the night in Pierrefonds.'


And then he was on the phone calling up his parents. They were at their cottage, and said it was fine if we piled...
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I like how I disappear from here and d-land and real life for the better part of a week and nobody notices, much less asks questions. I'm more indispensible than I thought.

I've got a rehearsal to attend.
Where have you been?wink
where!?! confused

[Edited on Jun 23, 2005 2:59PM]
I've moved! I'm now officially a resident of Downtown MTL. W00t!

Of course, I haven't been home all weekend cus I've been out partying with a certain DCB. It's time to unpack some of the million and one boxes full of crap that I own.

My new roomie is going out of town starting tomorrow, so I'll have the place all to myself. If I...
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Cool, living close to everything rocks!smile

Running up the mountain? That is a little nuts. Start by running down it. wink
Congrats! Soon we will be able to have late-night coffee sessions without having to take that damned 356 bus.
Apparently the US is pushing hard to ban burning the flag. As a filthy American, I would like to weigh in on this matter.

Burning the flag falls under that funny little part of the Constitution that talks about freedom of speech. If you ban burning the flag, you take away part of my freedom of speech, and from there it's a slippery slope to...
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from montral.. smile hi!