Hi, Sullen Actor. What *would* Bon do?
Today's to-do list includes:
1. data entry (the money-making and necessary item)
2. lunch with Steven (a Tuesday ritual)
3. caffeine with kaffeine at Kafein (for maximum surreality)
4. possibly venturing down to a skeevy bar that allegedly has open-mic nights every Tuesday, where kaff and I will shill our smutty mag and possible read our dirty poems to a crowd of shady drunks
5. Trivial Pursuit with SA
I might also print up some stuff I can use for stencils, cus freehanding t-shirts is a bad idea. However, I did four and the results were not entirely horrific. The lettering is just wayyyyyy bigger than I intended it to be, and I was using the smallest paintbrush I own.
Clearly, I should leave the graphic design to those who do graphic design. But my roommate now owns a tank top that reads 'Cunning Linguist,' which amuses me.
Speaking of t-shirts, when is SG going to start selling some with Fractal's face on them? I would buy one in a second, especially if it also said 'I'm not a lesbian, but I'd fuck Fractal.'
Maybe I should post that on the t-shirt board...
P.S. I'm still trying to figure out how to post pix on this goddamn Mac. All the instructions on the site are apparently for PCs, therefore they don't work. Hmph!
Woohoo! It worked! Strongbadalicious!
P.P.S. Why is it that I never knew I liked AC/DC songs? I just found one that was in Empire Records: 'If You Want Blood.' It totally rocks. Oh, and why isn't there an emoticon for rocking out? [throws the horns and sticks out her tongue]
Today's to-do list includes:
1. data entry (the money-making and necessary item)
2. lunch with Steven (a Tuesday ritual)
3. caffeine with kaffeine at Kafein (for maximum surreality)
4. possibly venturing down to a skeevy bar that allegedly has open-mic nights every Tuesday, where kaff and I will shill our smutty mag and possible read our dirty poems to a crowd of shady drunks
5. Trivial Pursuit with SA
I might also print up some stuff I can use for stencils, cus freehanding t-shirts is a bad idea. However, I did four and the results were not entirely horrific. The lettering is just wayyyyyy bigger than I intended it to be, and I was using the smallest paintbrush I own.
Clearly, I should leave the graphic design to those who do graphic design. But my roommate now owns a tank top that reads 'Cunning Linguist,' which amuses me.
Speaking of t-shirts, when is SG going to start selling some with Fractal's face on them? I would buy one in a second, especially if it also said 'I'm not a lesbian, but I'd fuck Fractal.'
Maybe I should post that on the t-shirt board...
P.S. I'm still trying to figure out how to post pix on this goddamn Mac. All the instructions on the site are apparently for PCs, therefore they don't work. Hmph!

Woohoo! It worked! Strongbadalicious!

P.P.S. Why is it that I never knew I liked AC/DC songs? I just found one that was in Empire Records: 'If You Want Blood.' It totally rocks. Oh, and why isn't there an emoticon for rocking out? [throws the horns and sticks out her tongue]
Kafein? Never been there any good?
I've been playing around with using stencils on T-shirts. I hate cutting out the design. I'm not to skilled with the exacto knife.
[Edited on Jul 05, 2005 3:14PM]