Stirring up trouble?
Maybe... but really, why pose with a prop you find distasteful? Shock value has never really been reason enough for me. If you want to do the opposite of what is expected, do something ironic. Do something new. Do something that pushes the envelope of what you find comfortable. But don't just do the clich.
That's my 2 cents, anyway. What do you guys and dolls think?
Maybe... but really, why pose with a prop you find distasteful? Shock value has never really been reason enough for me. If you want to do the opposite of what is expected, do something ironic. Do something new. Do something that pushes the envelope of what you find comfortable. But don't just do the clich.
That's my 2 cents, anyway. What do you guys and dolls think?

I'm sorry you didnt like I said, I dont know exactly why i wanted to use it. It was just an idea. I wasnt going for a cliche. It's only a prop..I didnt have much else that went along with the concept.

Well, since I made the intro months after the set was actually taken, I didn't really have to "go for it"...after i sent it, i realized that it was indeed odd that I had a gun in my set because of the fact that I dont really like them. Its not as if i despise them enough to not ever touch one, I just like knives and things of that sort better. But, the gun did go along with the outfit pretty well, so I used it in a few photos. Thats all. You took it a bit out of proportion.