It's being thirty and still single, not ever having a fair chance at love. Sure I lost virginity at 19 AFTER having been to Iraq. Yeah, not fun, ladies. Sure I've had two lengthy relationships of eight months and three months, but they both decided it was fair to cheat. Not judging, I just think they could have at least done me the favor of being honest about it and not doing it again. I'm sure those were my fault, because for some reason, I can't get any other women to even talk to me. I know I lack certain social skills. It's called I spent the last decade training to go to war, not try and get in your pants. I'm sorry if that seems undesirable to a woman, to know that a man is willing to protect what is his with his life, and understasnd what a commitment is about. But it's fine though, I suppose I have you, SG. Even if I know that I'll never be able to touch, see, and especially peer into you as you do me. Many days I wonder of I'm destined to just not have anyone for the compassion that I have so been lacking and trying to distract myself from since its not on the table. However, I know pity is like rust, signifies a little classic style, yet certainly not desirable. Please excuse my bow, as I do find it a bit limp myself. It's just, I'm a man who has been on a long journey, hopeful to spend it with a woman like you.