Before too much longer my account on SG will expire, and I believe I will allow it to. Not because I am disappointed with it or with any of the many beautiful and friendly women/girls affiliated weather members or hopefuls. I guess it's like a fling, and this site was great in allowing me to have that without breaking hearts or ruining reputations, but it's...
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I really don't mind being alive. I know life can be good and blah blah. I've lived it. Been there. Had my illusion that this has to be paradise and had it shattered by some internal whatever (I'm not saying it was aliens...Lol). I enjoy little things like going for a walk for a few hours, feeding ducks at the lake, writing, watching kids play...
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Commented on a thread today about cunnilingus (also found out a new word, bonus!). Weather or not I'm any good is not necessarily a reputation I can vouch for for myself as I'm sure every guy will say they are good at it. What makes me want to blog right now is just how much I miss things like that. A beautiful face to wake...
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It's being thirty and still single, not ever having a fair chance at love. Sure I lost virginity at 19 AFTER having been to Iraq. Yeah, not fun, ladies. Sure I've had two lengthy relationships of eight months and three months, but they both decided it was fair to cheat. Not judging, I just think they could have at least done me the favor of...
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It's something that I've already gotten a little over two years ago, and it hasn't cruised my mind until now to buy some different jewelry for it as I have been inactive since I got it.
TMI but if you want to know (got it to remind myself that sex is my biggest downfall. One of those guys who just never got chances, so when...
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