I started to write a book a few months ago and haven't really had the time to keep to it. I"ve been ultra sick lately, so today I'm going to break out the old homekeys, and type away. I've got the forward and first chapter written so far. I'm writing a book not because I want fame or money, but to say I did it. And hopefully when my future children read it, they'll understand why their mom is an asshole. It's a bunch of stories about funny things that happened in my life. Not all of them are funny to most people, but I think I have no shortage of friends with sick senses of humor here on SG. I doubt I'll ever actually publish it, but it's nice to think I actually wrote a book. My whole life I've had "great idea for a book," moments. If you didn't know, writing a BOOK is nothing like writing .....an essay I guess.....I think I thought it was going to be similar. I was always pretty good at short stories, which is why I decided chapters would be best. I can only stretch one story out for so long and still make it interesting. If anyone has any advice...please feel free to drop some
