Day 03 - Your views on drugs and alcohol.
Time has come when nevertheless my instinct itself preservations has got the best of self-damage and I have fastened with alcohol. Completely. And I given to am going to constrain this promise.
Long time alcohol was a part of my life. Especially when it would be desirable that was more cheerful. As well as at many people it Fills shortage something. Shortage of happiness, pleasure, darling, friends, ideas, aspirations etc. Now I don't see in it sense.
It on a miscellaneous was at me in life. Sometimes simply as a beer small bottle in the company of friends, sometimes as. Well as to you to explain. It was so "the student drinks only in days which staring on - Tuesday, Thursday and today". Then it bothered me also I for some time refused it. There was time when I had to drink (yes. Sounds ridiculously but when to drink it a part of your obligations on the work than you cant say NO). Now all. That will do. It is time to protect the liver rests
With drugs all is much easier thank God. Them at me in life was, but it is easy, a little and won't be it is more. It hasn't interested me)
My relation to drugs and alcohol? Neutral. Want to drink? Drink on health, only have a measure. Alcoholism causes in me disgust. Want drugs? Your business. BUT in due course they I will lead you degradations and our ways will disperse, for with people which slide in a bottom not so interesting to spend time. But mine all it purely MPO. For each person has the right to destroy the life that way which he will choose.
Though I would be not against that at us as in Holland have given it legalization. THEN to less people could become addicts and would be though any control over this all. And it is possible then smaller quantity of children then would suffer a narcotism...
Who knows...
Day 04 - Your views on religion.
The religion is a business constructed on belief of people in something the higher. Earlier if it was certain beacon of spiritual development of the person, now it no more than veiled market segment. I negatively concern persistence of such religion. Personally my opinion that a temple of belief at each person inside as it has been written in rolls of the Dead Sea, instead of those buildings which are under construction as shelters for sheep.
Sheep. Herds. Cattle. Which operate. Look " Not to that about this I speak, the father was explained, however and as follows it is not excessive to think about: flock at us indifferent, incomes small, provisions expensive. M.E.Saltykov-ShChedrin, History of one city , 1869-1870" And it about people, persons almost each of which reasonable independent individual.
As on me modern religion not that anything else as one more (and quite maybe that the strongest) a way of manipulation and pumping out of money from people. That's all. And it enrages me. For belief for money to sell this blasphemy.
"You want to become rich? CREATE YOU OWN RELIGION"
Time has come when nevertheless my instinct itself preservations has got the best of self-damage and I have fastened with alcohol. Completely. And I given to am going to constrain this promise.
Long time alcohol was a part of my life. Especially when it would be desirable that was more cheerful. As well as at many people it Fills shortage something. Shortage of happiness, pleasure, darling, friends, ideas, aspirations etc. Now I don't see in it sense.
It on a miscellaneous was at me in life. Sometimes simply as a beer small bottle in the company of friends, sometimes as. Well as to you to explain. It was so "the student drinks only in days which staring on - Tuesday, Thursday and today". Then it bothered me also I for some time refused it. There was time when I had to drink (yes. Sounds ridiculously but when to drink it a part of your obligations on the work than you cant say NO). Now all. That will do. It is time to protect the liver rests
With drugs all is much easier thank God. Them at me in life was, but it is easy, a little and won't be it is more. It hasn't interested me)
My relation to drugs and alcohol? Neutral. Want to drink? Drink on health, only have a measure. Alcoholism causes in me disgust. Want drugs? Your business. BUT in due course they I will lead you degradations and our ways will disperse, for with people which slide in a bottom not so interesting to spend time. But mine all it purely MPO. For each person has the right to destroy the life that way which he will choose.
Though I would be not against that at us as in Holland have given it legalization. THEN to less people could become addicts and would be though any control over this all. And it is possible then smaller quantity of children then would suffer a narcotism...
Who knows...
Day 04 - Your views on religion.
The religion is a business constructed on belief of people in something the higher. Earlier if it was certain beacon of spiritual development of the person, now it no more than veiled market segment. I negatively concern persistence of such religion. Personally my opinion that a temple of belief at each person inside as it has been written in rolls of the Dead Sea, instead of those buildings which are under construction as shelters for sheep.
Sheep. Herds. Cattle. Which operate. Look " Not to that about this I speak, the father was explained, however and as follows it is not excessive to think about: flock at us indifferent, incomes small, provisions expensive. M.E.Saltykov-ShChedrin, History of one city , 1869-1870" And it about people, persons almost each of which reasonable independent individual.
As on me modern religion not that anything else as one more (and quite maybe that the strongest) a way of manipulation and pumping out of money from people. That's all. And it enrages me. For belief for money to sell this blasphemy.
"You want to become rich? CREATE YOU OWN RELIGION"
since travelling i have found i drug less, now i dont drug at all
a dear friend to me said "us fairies dont need drugs" it rang true,
i also without full intention have stopped drinking, i have tried a few times and i cant seem to finish one drink,
i think the time comes when ur body tells u what is right or wrong,
its just up to our heart and mind to listen.
thankyou i love ur thoughts
peace on earth!