my auto registration is up this month, and its 60 dollars, but am driving uninsured right now which means i need to get insurance before i can get my registration renued. i want to sell it, but i depend on it so much.
the deftones are passing through these parts again and i will be there this time... for 12 bucks who wouldn't. i'm debating taking a tab and going... it might be to much energy for me. we'll see...
my sister got engaged. this should be interesting since they haven't even graduated high school. i think they'll be good together, but they have a long way to go... i hope them the best.

my sister got engaged. this should be interesting since they haven't even graduated high school. i think they'll be good together, but they have a long way to go... i hope them the best.

Congrats for your sister! Here's hopin that they make it