the guy i was supposed to go out with is an asshole. he has a girlfriend, which, cool tell me that, don't avoid my email then talk about your girlfriend to someone right in front of me, then talk about when girls think you want them because your in their study group. fucker. oh well.... my week sucked though. i failed a test, didn't turn in my research paper, bought 60 dollars worth of shit, went to a party to waste away and woke up naked next to a guy and couldn't remember what happened. i'm so glad for spring break...
i have to work extra for a plane ticket to ohio to go to my sister's graduation. i owe my school 1200 dollars by april 1st, i have 25 in my bank account. my life has become a constant of sleep, drugs, and pretending to participate in school....
a conversation i had with my grandmother earlier:
me: i don't want to take my husbands name
her: thats ok
me: i don't even want to marry because guys drive me crazy, i'll just adopt or something
her: don't say that because yuo never know
me": i'm just saying i prefer to have a life partner not marry
her: thats breaking the rules
me: not my rules
her: your rules wont matter when the end comes!
i walked right into that one.... my grandparents are southern baptist and they drive me crazy.... if queens of the stone age doesn't go well this week i will be pissed, its my only happy activity this week... besides boozin up at work.
i have to work extra for a plane ticket to ohio to go to my sister's graduation. i owe my school 1200 dollars by april 1st, i have 25 in my bank account. my life has become a constant of sleep, drugs, and pretending to participate in school....
a conversation i had with my grandmother earlier:
me: i don't want to take my husbands name
her: thats ok
me: i don't even want to marry because guys drive me crazy, i'll just adopt or something
her: don't say that because yuo never know
me": i'm just saying i prefer to have a life partner not marry
her: thats breaking the rules
me: not my rules
her: your rules wont matter when the end comes!
i walked right into that one.... my grandparents are southern baptist and they drive me crazy.... if queens of the stone age doesn't go well this week i will be pissed, its my only happy activity this week... besides boozin up at work.

but if guys drive you crazy
there is another option
*batts eyelashes*
ps: Hope you enjoyed the show last week.