im so happy im ghoing to stay at my boyfriends for the first time tonight.biggrinbiggrinbiggrinbiggrinbiggrin im going to kick his ass at poool. new pics soooo bored i cant wait till tonite. i need a job... anyone offering? wink
i lost my virginity on the 10th january 2006 smile eeek

That's nice to know.
ok so its been a while. im seeing someone new. smile hes such a little grrr i love him and hate him so much at the same time lol. lives about an hour and a half away but he comes down on weekends and i might be moving up 2 melbourne soon if i can fnd a job frown i need a job frown im so poor. frown im...
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frown frown frown frown frown frown frown frown frown frown frown frown frown frown frown frown frown frown frown frown
my boyfriend cheated on me. he is so gone.......
oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink
Guys r such pigs
puke puke puke puke puke puke puke
he makes me puke
shocked shocked shocked shocked shocked shocked shocked shocked shocked shocked shocked
Should have given him one last sexual favour and an abrupt display of your opinion. Its always nice when they don't see it coming, and it would have guranteed at least for a while that he have trouble doing it to anyone else.

Bloody cheating boyfriends, they make it look bad for ever other honest guy out there. But the main thing is..i hope your not to hung up over it hon?
well. i got the chest infection back (icky) and im on this new medicatoon that is making me all better smile ummmm i have to go to this school tomorrow for a stupid media lecture, but i have to go becuase i never listened in class and i kinda.... will probably fail if i dont tongue puke welll i also cut my hair, actually i cvut myself a...
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put a photo up and ill tell you if the fringe is good or stupid.oh yeah welcome to sg
puke its my birthday, and i have a chest infection, i get my licence soon!!!!!!!
that sucks i just got over a chest infection whatever
and i just lost my licence blush
no where near my birthday tho... happy belated bday