Hey all you beautiful people, I haven't made a post here apparently since Christmas, so to start with I cut my hair and got myself a beard going on xD
I've been exceedingly busy as of late working, then in my spare time I've been writing the story for my comic and working on some story boards to give the artist some direction. I've been trying to stay active with my CoD clan but that's not going as well as I would have cared for since I've been consumed by Mass Effect 3 since launch. I went to work a couple of weeks ago and apparently management decided they want to crack down on me for being late/absent so much, granted I have 13 absences, but parties are a LEGIT reason and it's kinda like, "Come on guys you're just know gonna give a shit after 13?" So the manager sits me down and said "Well Dan, you've got 13 absences and we really only want you to have 3 in a year." Now I really don't give a fuck so I just looked at the man and told him, "What does it really matter, we're all gonna be dead at the end of the year. Live a little man." He just kinda looked at me, didn't say anything for a moment, then just told me to get back to work. Woot!, another win for me, Lulz. Then I had someone bitch to me about my drinking cause I'm still on my quest to try as many different types of beer as I can. On that note, Yazoo Sly Rye is amazing, tastes just like a Guinness, good shit. But they told me its in bad taste to drink around a recovering alcoholic and I mean Christ its not like I'm trying to force feed them my drinks. So to this I replied, "there is no such thing as a recovering alcoholic, there's drinking and pussing out." I'm well aware that I'm probably a huge asshole, but fuck 'em.
But if you guys want to catch up feel free to hit me up facebook, I'm Vagabond King there too, same shit as here.
And xbox peeps feel free to add me on live, tag: xThe Crowing

I've been exceedingly busy as of late working, then in my spare time I've been writing the story for my comic and working on some story boards to give the artist some direction. I've been trying to stay active with my CoD clan but that's not going as well as I would have cared for since I've been consumed by Mass Effect 3 since launch. I went to work a couple of weeks ago and apparently management decided they want to crack down on me for being late/absent so much, granted I have 13 absences, but parties are a LEGIT reason and it's kinda like, "Come on guys you're just know gonna give a shit after 13?" So the manager sits me down and said "Well Dan, you've got 13 absences and we really only want you to have 3 in a year." Now I really don't give a fuck so I just looked at the man and told him, "What does it really matter, we're all gonna be dead at the end of the year. Live a little man." He just kinda looked at me, didn't say anything for a moment, then just told me to get back to work. Woot!, another win for me, Lulz. Then I had someone bitch to me about my drinking cause I'm still on my quest to try as many different types of beer as I can. On that note, Yazoo Sly Rye is amazing, tastes just like a Guinness, good shit. But they told me its in bad taste to drink around a recovering alcoholic and I mean Christ its not like I'm trying to force feed them my drinks. So to this I replied, "there is no such thing as a recovering alcoholic, there's drinking and pussing out." I'm well aware that I'm probably a huge asshole, but fuck 'em.
But if you guys want to catch up feel free to hit me up facebook, I'm Vagabond King there too, same shit as here.
And xbox peeps feel free to add me on live, tag: xThe Crowing
i love beards..they are my fave.