I haven't been on here as much as I should, I've just been abnormally busy being an capitalistic asshole and buying people shit for christmas.
SPOILERS! (Click to view)
I've also been writing more of the story for the comic I'm working on.
Today though I felt the need to enlighten my brother a bit, he's got this habit of buying into all the conspiracy theories out there. Granted that these may genuinely be his opinions on things but you know what people say about opinions, they're like assholes. Everyone's got one and they all stink. He was getting all worked up over censorship in the media, but the realistic side of it is censorship is necessary to some extent to help maintain order. If all the bullshit and horror stories and only half checked info just continually flooded the media without being verified, people would be running scared, the streets would be chaos and panic. But if the outcome left us in setting like that of the classic film The Warriors that would be pretty bitchin'. People want the whole truth but seldom can handle the responsibility that comes with knowing. And then started in on the idea of the government keeping tabs on you using cameras in phones, onstar technology and buying into the fear and propaganda. But Big Brother will always be watching no matter what form of government we have that's just human nature. Even if we shifted to a total anarchist state people would still be banding together like gangs and every gang needs a leader. And history has show us that no leader willingly steps aside to relinquishing his power
and if you read all of this, jokes on you.