So I guess I'm going to take the pleasant surprise of discovering that my SG membership isn't expired, after all, and use it as an opportunity to promote my creative endeavors. I've always tried to consider myself a writer, because it's what I do most: I write. But I always sort of felt like a fraud saying it, as I had never had anything published. As of St. Patty's day,I can say it without shame. I write, and people have noticed, hence publication. I received my contributor's copy of $pread Magazine (written by and for sex workers - since I danced on poles for a living until Valentine's Day when I gave the job the boot - for awhile, anyway, that mas me) on my favorite day of the year - the one that involves pointing to my green eyes to avoid being pinched (unless it's a cute girl doing it, in which case, I let the pinching commence) while drinking copious amounts of Jameson an Guinness. Or, if I'm broke, Old Style. I've written two things for them by now; the first appears in the current issue, and the second will be in the upcoming issue. Since it's a quarterly publication, I'm not sure when the next issue comes out. Anyway, I'm excited. The one that's out now is a book review for "Surviving Mae West" by Patricia Rodd. Next issue will feature my review on a documentary entitled "Exploitation or Empowerment: Life as a Sex Worker." This is a great magazine, by the way. If you haven't been exposed to it, and have any interest in the sex industry or are curious what it's all about, I urge you to pick up a copy.
Also. My editor at $pread (Audacia Ray) recently wrote a book, which comes out in June and is available for pre-order over on Amazon. The book is called Naked on the Internet: Hookups, Downloads, and Cashing in on Internet Sexploration. Part of her chapter on blogging is about little old me (there referred to as either Layla, my alias, or Jane, my real name), and my experiences as the author of the now defunct sex blog Layla X: Diary of a Deviant. I haven't read the book yet, but I had fun doing the interview, and I'm curious what she ended up drawing from me. It's a strange thing, though - kind of fucks wth my head a bit - that someone would find an average jane such as myself an interesting topic to write about. It's put out by Seal Press, and I've always admired their stuff, not to mention that Dacia is a phenomenal writer, so I'm incredibly excited.
Now I'm letting my lips and tongue recuperate from some deliciously spicy food I just gorged myself on. Then it's on to a cigarette - a kind I hadn't tried until today but bought for their pink and black packaging (I know, I'm a marketer's wet dream - it's sickening, really). Camel No. 9's. They're not that great. But they tide over my nicotine addiction, so I'm okay with them for the time being.
Also. My editor at $pread (Audacia Ray) recently wrote a book, which comes out in June and is available for pre-order over on Amazon. The book is called Naked on the Internet: Hookups, Downloads, and Cashing in on Internet Sexploration. Part of her chapter on blogging is about little old me (there referred to as either Layla, my alias, or Jane, my real name), and my experiences as the author of the now defunct sex blog Layla X: Diary of a Deviant. I haven't read the book yet, but I had fun doing the interview, and I'm curious what she ended up drawing from me. It's a strange thing, though - kind of fucks wth my head a bit - that someone would find an average jane such as myself an interesting topic to write about. It's put out by Seal Press, and I've always admired their stuff, not to mention that Dacia is a phenomenal writer, so I'm incredibly excited.
Now I'm letting my lips and tongue recuperate from some deliciously spicy food I just gorged myself on. Then it's on to a cigarette - a kind I hadn't tried until today but bought for their pink and black packaging (I know, I'm a marketer's wet dream - it's sickening, really). Camel No. 9's. They're not that great. But they tide over my nicotine addiction, so I'm okay with them for the time being.
well, i dunno. i didnt have pink hair in lincoln. pink bangs every once in a while, but not continually.
i worked at fringe and tassel costumes.
but yeah, we probably didn't run into each other while i was there. haha