So... for the last month or more I have had a fairly large female black widow spider nesting on my city trash can outside my front door. I haven't had the heart to kill her and it was kind of neat watching her from time to time.
The other night, I noticed one of her five egg sacks was missing. Shortly thereafter, MacSkander noticed a brown widow on the post next to the trash can. As it turns out, I have at least two browns and a black and numerous egg sacks.
I finally called an exterminator today. They are supposed to come by on Monday to spray inside and out. Someone else was supposed to call me about pressure washing the porch with a heavy bleach solution, but I have yet to receive a phone call. I'm not sure what my landlord is willing to pay for, mostly because I haven't been able to contact him after a bunch of phone calls since Monday. Ugh...
When I got home, one of the brown widow's webs seemed to have been wiped. There are still about a bazillion webs from all the offspring. MacSkander smashed the other brown... all over my cool ass pirate door mat! But only after he held the flashlight so I could get some pictures.... pretty nice ones if I might say so myself.
Enjoy arachnaphobes...
On a lighter note:
Here is another fucked up quotation from Wakulla county...
And a cute little ant-like bug I chased around for a good 10 minutes yesterday while walking Duke...
And an absolutely breathtaking sunset that took place outside the rock gym yesterday. I didn't think the camera captured it, but I was wrong...

The other night, I noticed one of her five egg sacks was missing. Shortly thereafter, MacSkander noticed a brown widow on the post next to the trash can. As it turns out, I have at least two browns and a black and numerous egg sacks.
I finally called an exterminator today. They are supposed to come by on Monday to spray inside and out. Someone else was supposed to call me about pressure washing the porch with a heavy bleach solution, but I have yet to receive a phone call. I'm not sure what my landlord is willing to pay for, mostly because I haven't been able to contact him after a bunch of phone calls since Monday. Ugh...
When I got home, one of the brown widow's webs seemed to have been wiped. There are still about a bazillion webs from all the offspring. MacSkander smashed the other brown... all over my cool ass pirate door mat! But only after he held the flashlight so I could get some pictures.... pretty nice ones if I might say so myself.
Enjoy arachnaphobes...

On a lighter note:
Here is another fucked up quotation from Wakulla county...

And a cute little ant-like bug I chased around for a good 10 minutes yesterday while walking Duke...

And an absolutely breathtaking sunset that took place outside the rock gym yesterday. I didn't think the camera captured it, but I was wrong...

it's one of 10,000 reasons i can't wait to move the hell out of florida.