So, the following is a crazy ass zombie dream from last night. Feel free to skip it due to length, but I promise it is pretty entertaining--or at least I thought it was and I tried my best to portray that in text format. (Most of my dreams don't make a lot of sense at times, so just stick with me).
It took place at a friend's house, and underneath was this elaborate dirt basement. Filled with old stuff. So, we were down in the basement checkin' stuff out, while her husband was upstairs making dinner (it was some sort of dinner party). Eventually MacSkander showed up in the basement as well. The basement had as follows:
A bunch of generic "old house" stuff, like books and pictures, and figurines, and trinkets.
The set from the opening scene of The Mummy and when you were across the basement from the scene, the woman appeared out of thin air and started doing the ritual from the scene.... but no one blinked an eye.
A huge pirate ship with a chest... full of.... I don't know, because the top of the chest and the bookshelf next to it were being used for a vampiric altar complete with pictures of goth kids from high school.
And next to the ship, (this is the meat of the dream, if you will) there was this long stone ramp instead of a staircase leading out of the basement. There was something old and creepy about the way the stone walkway had been made or where it was originally or something, but I can't remember that now. But the lowest edge of the ramp could be lifted up and there was a pathway underneath that went on "forever". At first, this was the only area of the basement that wasn't well lit, and I couldn't quite see what the path was made of--originally I thought it was skeletons, with only the skulls exposed--and then we realized that the path was made out of zombies buried to their necks. Everyone but me thought this was the cat's ass! I, on the other hand, was freaked the fuck out... like any rational person should have been. So my friends kept lifting up the ramp to freak me out, and I kept shutting it and getting freaked out (desired effect as usual).
So Ross keeps calling us up for dinner saying that it is almost ready. So finally, we quit looking at all the shit in the basement and go up to the kitchen. We sit down to start eating, and of course everyone's still trying to freak me out about zombies. I'm sitting with my back toward the basement door, which has a window in the top. All of the sudden everyone keeps telling me there are zombies looking through the door, and at this point I think they are just harrassing me, so I try to ignore them, until the fucking glass breaks behind me. So we all scramble... and try to get out of there.
Somehow the dream kind of jumps (or else my memory is shit.... who the hell knows). The zombies aren't attacking anymore so, of course, in movie fashion, we go down to the basement to see "what's wrong" (or, in my opinion, what's right). Apparently in the other corner of the basement where we didn't look around before, there is a train car, that has turned into an entire train on tracks. And all the zombies are sitting inside the train looking like completely spaced out passengers. So we jeer... wouldn't you?! And start dicking around. Apparently, in the process, we set them off somehow. No one likes to be laughed at you know. So everyone gets out of the basement... except me. For some reason, (thanks shitty horror movies) I really need a shower, so I split from the group to go upstairs (I promise I'm smarter than this in real life!) as any main female protagonist in a horror movie would do. As I walk upstairs, MacSkander is in the kitchen and he starts making zombie jokes (at a fucking time like this!) and acting like a zombie. So I start to think he is one. And he starts attracting them upstairs, so now there are two zombies in the kitchen with me. So I reach behind me, grab a big fucking kitchen knife, grab their hair, and *chop* no more zombie heads. I go take my shower and somehow walk through the basement and break through a window to get outside. The group is now outside running from the pissed-off-we've-been-laughed-at-zombies. So what do I do? Go back through the fucking basement to get to the kitchen (there has to be another access point to this fucking house!!!) to get my clothes (because apparently I never put them on after the shower) and my knives (because apparently I didn't think it was necessary to bring those either). In the process of getting downstairs, I run into half of the group zombie-ing around in the train and almost kill them, until I realize that they are just acting like zombies to prevent having their brains eaten. Apparently, Xander and Willow from Buffy are with us for some reason.
And then I woke up.
It took place at a friend's house, and underneath was this elaborate dirt basement. Filled with old stuff. So, we were down in the basement checkin' stuff out, while her husband was upstairs making dinner (it was some sort of dinner party). Eventually MacSkander showed up in the basement as well. The basement had as follows:
A bunch of generic "old house" stuff, like books and pictures, and figurines, and trinkets.
The set from the opening scene of The Mummy and when you were across the basement from the scene, the woman appeared out of thin air and started doing the ritual from the scene.... but no one blinked an eye.
A huge pirate ship with a chest... full of.... I don't know, because the top of the chest and the bookshelf next to it were being used for a vampiric altar complete with pictures of goth kids from high school.
And next to the ship, (this is the meat of the dream, if you will) there was this long stone ramp instead of a staircase leading out of the basement. There was something old and creepy about the way the stone walkway had been made or where it was originally or something, but I can't remember that now. But the lowest edge of the ramp could be lifted up and there was a pathway underneath that went on "forever". At first, this was the only area of the basement that wasn't well lit, and I couldn't quite see what the path was made of--originally I thought it was skeletons, with only the skulls exposed--and then we realized that the path was made out of zombies buried to their necks. Everyone but me thought this was the cat's ass! I, on the other hand, was freaked the fuck out... like any rational person should have been. So my friends kept lifting up the ramp to freak me out, and I kept shutting it and getting freaked out (desired effect as usual).
So Ross keeps calling us up for dinner saying that it is almost ready. So finally, we quit looking at all the shit in the basement and go up to the kitchen. We sit down to start eating, and of course everyone's still trying to freak me out about zombies. I'm sitting with my back toward the basement door, which has a window in the top. All of the sudden everyone keeps telling me there are zombies looking through the door, and at this point I think they are just harrassing me, so I try to ignore them, until the fucking glass breaks behind me. So we all scramble... and try to get out of there.
Somehow the dream kind of jumps (or else my memory is shit.... who the hell knows). The zombies aren't attacking anymore so, of course, in movie fashion, we go down to the basement to see "what's wrong" (or, in my opinion, what's right). Apparently in the other corner of the basement where we didn't look around before, there is a train car, that has turned into an entire train on tracks. And all the zombies are sitting inside the train looking like completely spaced out passengers. So we jeer... wouldn't you?! And start dicking around. Apparently, in the process, we set them off somehow. No one likes to be laughed at you know. So everyone gets out of the basement... except me. For some reason, (thanks shitty horror movies) I really need a shower, so I split from the group to go upstairs (I promise I'm smarter than this in real life!) as any main female protagonist in a horror movie would do. As I walk upstairs, MacSkander is in the kitchen and he starts making zombie jokes (at a fucking time like this!) and acting like a zombie. So I start to think he is one. And he starts attracting them upstairs, so now there are two zombies in the kitchen with me. So I reach behind me, grab a big fucking kitchen knife, grab their hair, and *chop* no more zombie heads. I go take my shower and somehow walk through the basement and break through a window to get outside. The group is now outside running from the pissed-off-we've-been-laughed-at-zombies. So what do I do? Go back through the fucking basement to get to the kitchen (there has to be another access point to this fucking house!!!) to get my clothes (because apparently I never put them on after the shower) and my knives (because apparently I didn't think it was necessary to bring those either). In the process of getting downstairs, I run into half of the group zombie-ing around in the train and almost kill them, until I realize that they are just acting like zombies to prevent having their brains eaten. Apparently, Xander and Willow from Buffy are with us for some reason.
And then I woke up.

In tampa there is a place called the orpheum and on Sat nights its pretty cool more indie music and on Mon and Thur night in Ybor near Tampa there is the castle that has an 80's night on Mon and Indie, electro night on thurs, Fri and Sat are industrial goth nights, its sounds scary but it really is alot of fun! Hope that helps