Why is it that photographers can never end up with nice photos of themselves? I seem to be in a constant search for moments to get nice shots of myself that aren't at that weird I'm-holding-my-arm-out angle. I am well aware that I own a tripod and could handle this conundrum in that way, but .... but ... I guess I have no excuse. Nevermind.
More Blogs
Wednesday Jul 04, 2007
The other night, my friends and I decided to have a cook out for the … -
Saturday Jun 30, 2007
So I dyed my hair last night. It still needs a little more alteratio… -
Saturday Jun 23, 2007
I keep wanting to post something new here, but nothing of horrid inte… -
Thursday Jun 14, 2007
I went on a road trip with a friend from high school. She is leaving… -
Wednesday May 30, 2007
As promised, new piercings. I couldn't get the bridge okayed. So I … -
Tuesday May 29, 2007
So... my last day with kids was Friday. Tomorrow is the last day of … -
Friday May 11, 2007
Oops... I gave myself a punkish haircut a little too soon. There are… -
Sunday Apr 15, 2007
I just got finished playing almost an hour of Wii Sports and primaril… -
Thursday Apr 12, 2007
So I have come to terms with the fact that the group of lesbians that… -
Sunday Apr 08, 2007
I went to see Grindhouse last night. Surprisingly enough, I didn't h…