Why is it that photographers can never end up with nice photos of themselves? I seem to be in a constant search for moments to get nice shots of myself that aren't at that weird I'm-holding-my-arm-out angle. I am well aware that I own a tripod and could handle this conundrum in that way, but .... but ... I guess I have no excuse. Nevermind.
More Blogs
Monday Aug 20, 2007
I got my classroom all set up this weekend... and I even drove all th… -
Sunday Aug 19, 2007
I have been debating about whether I should renew my subscription in … -
Tuesday Aug 14, 2007
Open house is only a few days away and my classroom isn't ready yet, … -
Thursday Aug 09, 2007
I am officially facial piercing free--again--as of about 5 minutes ag… -
Thursday Aug 09, 2007
So I have to go to "orientation" tomorrow to start the school year ag… -
Saturday Jul 28, 2007
Ugh. I was going to write more here... but on second thought... ju… -
Monday Jul 23, 2007
So, I had another zombie dream last night. This one was terrifying..… -
Thursday Jul 12, 2007
So, the following is a crazy ass zombie dream from last night. Feel … -
Tuesday Jul 10, 2007
Panama City this weekend... apparently there will be an attempt to wr… -
Sunday Jul 08, 2007
I went to go see the local roller derby game last night, but we got t…