SO! That friend I lent money to introduced me to this girl a few months back. She was going out with this guy, but we myspaced each other and I'd write her every one in a while and say "hi, how's it going?" Usually she'd give me a quick reply, but this week she messaged me this long thing about breaking up with this guy and now she's half the country away and she included her phone number at the bottom. I messaged her back saying that if she's ever in CA again to look me up because I would like to go out with her. She messaged me back saying she's flattered, but not in the "I'm flattered but I'm turning you down" way, but the "I'm flattered and I'd like to go out with you too" kind of way. So, the past few days have been a flurry of emails and texts and a few long phone calls. I'm totally stoked, but she IS half a country away.
So, me and my UMs start messaging her about Burning Man, and mentioning that I'd -- I just got another text from her hah! -- like her to come. She says she's not coming to CA, and that I'd have to come out there.
But she is obviously into me so there's hope. And I cold always take a short trip there sometime....
SO! That friend I lent money to introduced me to this girl a few months back. She was going out with this guy, but we myspaced each other and I'd write her every one in a while and say "hi, how's it going?" Usually she'd give me a quick reply, but this week she messaged me this long thing about breaking up with this guy and now she's half the country away and she included her phone number at the bottom. I messaged her back saying that if she's ever in CA again to look me up because I would like to go out with her. She messaged me back saying she's flattered, but not in the "I'm flattered but I'm turning you down" way, but the "I'm flattered and I'd like to go out with you too" kind of way. So, the past few days have been a flurry of emails and texts and a few long phone calls. I'm totally stoked, but she IS half a country away.