I've got it on the ropes! This is the longest cold I've had in a while. Now if I'd stop staying up late and having my feet freeze while at the computer. I should be good in a day or two.
Last night my friend came down from Danville (About 40 miles away.) He came down to pick up the equipment and write me a check. We were both hungry --- I forgot to eat all day. So, we went out to find someplace for food. We were just going to hit Red Robin at Eastridge, but the fuckers closed early for a private party or something -- Fuck and We were both jones-ing for burgers. So we drove around San Jose looking for anyplace that had good grub, particularly a burger joint of an Italian place. Everywhere was closed already. Fucking San Jose closes down at only 9PM -- it was about 10. And we weren't doing fast food, because it's pretty sucky. We ended up driving around and finally around 11 we said screw it and found a small mexican restaurant that was still open and got two burritos to go. And they were goooood burritos... I'm gonna go back. They had this orange sauce that was hot and flavourful and I ate it up.
I backed up all my 50GB of music onto DVDs so he could store them for me at his place -- in case my room ever goes up in flames. It took hours. We watched Futurama and Family Guy, and the episodes were funny as hell. The Futurama one I'd never seen. It was one where Bender turned into a "Werecar." I recorded it and I would link to it now so people could watch it but I can't find the program that snags it off my ReplayTV and puts it on my Mac.
Oh well, maybe later.
I had a good time last night. I wish I had friends down here that could hang out all the time. The two I do have work late or have to be up at like 5AM to commute. That's the problem with being a San Francisco transplant. All your friends live an hour away.
Thanks for the sympathy notes about my cold. It's really not that bad, but it's still miserable not being 100%.
Last night my friend came down from Danville (About 40 miles away.) He came down to pick up the equipment and write me a check. We were both hungry --- I forgot to eat all day. So, we went out to find someplace for food. We were just going to hit Red Robin at Eastridge, but the fuckers closed early for a private party or something -- Fuck and We were both jones-ing for burgers. So we drove around San Jose looking for anyplace that had good grub, particularly a burger joint of an Italian place. Everywhere was closed already. Fucking San Jose closes down at only 9PM -- it was about 10. And we weren't doing fast food, because it's pretty sucky. We ended up driving around and finally around 11 we said screw it and found a small mexican restaurant that was still open and got two burritos to go. And they were goooood burritos... I'm gonna go back. They had this orange sauce that was hot and flavourful and I ate it up.
I backed up all my 50GB of music onto DVDs so he could store them for me at his place -- in case my room ever goes up in flames. It took hours. We watched Futurama and Family Guy, and the episodes were funny as hell. The Futurama one I'd never seen. It was one where Bender turned into a "Werecar." I recorded it and I would link to it now so people could watch it but I can't find the program that snags it off my ReplayTV and puts it on my Mac.

I had a good time last night. I wish I had friends down here that could hang out all the time. The two I do have work late or have to be up at like 5AM to commute. That's the problem with being a San Francisco transplant. All your friends live an hour away.
Thanks for the sympathy notes about my cold. It's really not that bad, but it's still miserable not being 100%.