Last night was a bad night... i'm just going to leave it at that.
Today I hung up the painting ryan made me above my bed and my bulletin board above my entertainment center. Looks good with stuff on the walls. Kaliey's art (photograph i purchased a few months ago) is where my Phantom Drawing used to be (between my two doors) and I should be getting my newest art purcahse end of the month. I've found some nice things for my room too. A dvd rack that hangs on my wall with shelves above it. Very nice. I'm ordering that online tomorrow.
I wrote this morning around 8:30 or so, just for the sake of writing.
"The Constant Dreamer"
Camping out here seems like forever and a half
In the backyard of your mind
Where love floats by like the smog from the city
A permanent cloud full of middle class guilt and greed
Trapped here like a frog
There is no prince charming waiting for you now
No fairytale seduction planned
But alas through the night and candy coated dreams
You wake to find a leech attached to your thoughts
Sucking out the hope
The girl you see is a picture in your head
Your mind cannot beseech me
Desperate and waiting for a climatic outreach
Ducking past security and fishing for a spark you cannot start
The fire died years ago
In the chateaux where you house the fantasies
A place for pretend; I only dare go when you're sleeping
Wishing on a star, I've known since I was 11
No panic, no commotion, no hustle, no wars
Just a perfect image shattered
Where art comes in color not waste
No strict enforced limits or outdated techniques
Collaborative visions entwined with pure temptation
Visions nobody would conjure up but you and deceit
The picture tells the story
Stuck in this prison hung with shame; trapped
I run away from my mind trying to escape; never escaping you
Lust marching by; decapitating the hopeful
The backyard to your mind is a battlefield and I'm watching
It's spewing dark lullabies
A road unwinding like mysteries being solved
The path I fear to take leads to a shadow in your mind
Lifting up nothing, plowing down everything
Questioning a lifetime; leaving no room for answers
I've become a martyr
Yup thats what I did today... and sat around my house listening to CD's and taking pictures
Danced about for a while and rocked out to some good tunes
Still wish I was in a band.... so learning to play guitar soon... or maybe piano
I just need to be writing my own music and do something I have the desire to do; passion
other than that i'm still really down and such... too personal to explain.
Check my new pictures (three all new)
Kate <3
Today I hung up the painting ryan made me above my bed and my bulletin board above my entertainment center. Looks good with stuff on the walls. Kaliey's art (photograph i purchased a few months ago) is where my Phantom Drawing used to be (between my two doors) and I should be getting my newest art purcahse end of the month. I've found some nice things for my room too. A dvd rack that hangs on my wall with shelves above it. Very nice. I'm ordering that online tomorrow.
I wrote this morning around 8:30 or so, just for the sake of writing.
"The Constant Dreamer"
Camping out here seems like forever and a half
In the backyard of your mind
Where love floats by like the smog from the city
A permanent cloud full of middle class guilt and greed
Trapped here like a frog
There is no prince charming waiting for you now
No fairytale seduction planned
But alas through the night and candy coated dreams
You wake to find a leech attached to your thoughts
Sucking out the hope
The girl you see is a picture in your head
Your mind cannot beseech me
Desperate and waiting for a climatic outreach
Ducking past security and fishing for a spark you cannot start
The fire died years ago
In the chateaux where you house the fantasies
A place for pretend; I only dare go when you're sleeping
Wishing on a star, I've known since I was 11
No panic, no commotion, no hustle, no wars
Just a perfect image shattered
Where art comes in color not waste
No strict enforced limits or outdated techniques
Collaborative visions entwined with pure temptation
Visions nobody would conjure up but you and deceit
The picture tells the story
Stuck in this prison hung with shame; trapped
I run away from my mind trying to escape; never escaping you
Lust marching by; decapitating the hopeful
The backyard to your mind is a battlefield and I'm watching
It's spewing dark lullabies
A road unwinding like mysteries being solved
The path I fear to take leads to a shadow in your mind
Lifting up nothing, plowing down everything
Questioning a lifetime; leaving no room for answers
I've become a martyr
Yup thats what I did today... and sat around my house listening to CD's and taking pictures
Danced about for a while and rocked out to some good tunes
Still wish I was in a band.... so learning to play guitar soon... or maybe piano
I just need to be writing my own music and do something I have the desire to do; passion
other than that i'm still really down and such... too personal to explain.
Check my new pictures (three all new)
Kate <3