For the past week its been as if i've been walking around in a cloud. Everything seems so far distant from me even when its perfectly in reach. All I ever want to do is come home and sleep, because dreaming has become a tangible reality or so it seems. My life feels as if it is turning into a story from a book or a movie. Have you ever gotten that feeling of just being trapped in your life? The things people are saying the way things are going... its all so surreal. Days are just passing by and lately i've seen no point in anything and the meanings got lost.
Erika called me when I told her I wasn't feeling great and she listened and talked with me for almost and hour even though she is sick with a terrible stomach virus or flu. And today she text me asking if I was feeling any better. I miss that girl.
Picture me today? Hmmm work was shitty.. period. But afterwards I took a picture to lift my spirits.
Erika called me when I told her I wasn't feeling great and she listened and talked with me for almost and hour even though she is sick with a terrible stomach virus or flu. And today she text me asking if I was feeling any better. I miss that girl.
Picture me today? Hmmm work was shitty.. period. But afterwards I took a picture to lift my spirits.