maiheu tu te moques, tu peux mme pas imaginer le temps que je passe en ce moment pour essayer de me remettre niveau
ben ouais y'a du taff je sais...
bah y'a pas tant de monde que a, 2 ou 3 personnes de plus que le Hellsass crew
And, as an indirect present from Stephen King and his co-workers, I recieved two good news !
The first one is that The Dark Tower by Stephen King is going adapted in a comics edited by Marvel, and that it's been out for about two weeks ! The second good news is that The Dark Tower is about to... Read More
hi new friend!!
n_n i don't remember where but i read that you like Shiina Ringo...
<3 I love Shiina Ringo... n_n
Glad to meet you, happy belated birthday!
ohhh yes! she formed a band called Tokyo jihen, they play some amazing jazz
... she is still with them and she became a major success in Japan...
Recently Shiina directed the music of a new japanese movie called Sakuran (confusion) and she released a new solo album... the first one in 3 years with tokyo jihen... n_n The album came out last feb 21.. she's still rocking...
I've uploaded some pictures (4) in the Friends folder. I had a nice time with P-Mod at Amartya's birthday the other night, drinking, laughing and drinking again
P-Mod posted two ugly pics of me (or two pics of ugly-me I dunno), I don't like him !
I made a mistke two day ago : I suscribed to World of Warcraft. Yes, that's the summum... Read More
Sorry for non French speakers. It's a rap about a black rapper living in the country with the French rednecks He basicly says that there's nothing to do, that nobody knows about his village (Marly Gomont) and that he's the only black there