Well well my set goes up tomorrow, good times! I probably wont be able to be online to check things out so leave some lovely comments. This is definately going to be my last set on SG. So yeah hmm what else has been happening..had a good weekend out with some girlfriends, had a few drinks..well quite a few really
Have a 21st birthday to attend this weekend, should be good.
Omg im so hungry, fuck this im going to get some lunch
Love and Hugs

Have a 21st birthday to attend this weekend, should be good.
Omg im so hungry, fuck this im going to get some lunch
Love and Hugs
don't want anyone to feel forgotten!
yeah man...sugar is a powerful thing! I think I pretty much kicked the habit by now though. It really is a habit...like smoking cigarettes.
Which reminds me, did you stay quit ?
haha your dog sounds like my cat.... my cat just follows me everywhere I go, and usually crawls all over me when he gets the chance or sits there and mews and whines until he gets loads of attention. Sometimes it's cute...but other times it makes me just wanna scream, lol.
anyway I hope you're takin' care of yourself. lots of love!