A quick update..well im feeling somewhat better today, the depression is slowly lifting, i didnt have any anxiety attacks last night (
)..nearly did but i managed to talk myself out of it which was good.
I went to boxing training last night and really enjoyed it. Spent the whole time doing one on one training too as the coach wanted to keep an eye on me as he explained i am a bit of a health hazard. But he was impressed with my strength and said i definately still had it in me even though im seriously underweight, so that was something positive !
Thank you all for your comments and messages of support, it means the world to me, im a bit back logged with emails so im trying to get those replyed to asap !
Im focusing on being more positive today and taking one day at a time, not 10 at once which i always seem to do.
Love V.

I went to boxing training last night and really enjoyed it. Spent the whole time doing one on one training too as the coach wanted to keep an eye on me as he explained i am a bit of a health hazard. But he was impressed with my strength and said i definately still had it in me even though im seriously underweight, so that was something positive !
Thank you all for your comments and messages of support, it means the world to me, im a bit back logged with emails so im trying to get those replyed to asap !
Im focusing on being more positive today and taking one day at a time, not 10 at once which i always seem to do.
Love V.

unluckily last night i had a fucking panic attack being alone at home when my parent were asleep...it was horrible
i hate panic attacks...i tried to avoid them as much but yesterday was a tough day
yeah man... coffee and cigarettes are VERY bad for panic attacks... I can deal with 1-2 cups of coffee a day, but any more than that and I'm a shaking fool--
cigarettes I quit back last year in January. thank goodness.
and thank you